

MCG to follow Crown Casino and ban terrorist Abdul Nacer Benbrika

The Melbourne Cricket Club has confirmed its plan to ban convicted terrorist Abdul Nacer Benbrika who threatened to blow up the venue.

Abdul Nacer Benbrika released on extended supervision order

Convicted terrorist Abdul Nacer Benbrika will be banned for life from both the MCG and Crown Casino following his release from prison.

Crown casino will use facial recognition technology to prevent Benbrika from entering its venues, with Melbourne Cricket Club set to follow suit in implementing a lifetime ban.

MCC chief executive Stuart Fox confirmed plans were in place to ban the notorious terrorist.

“Yes there is (a plan to ban him for life) and he won’t be permitted in the stadium,” Mr Fox confirmed on Tuesday.

“We take security so seriously here and anyone that would pose a threat or a risk to the MCG won’t be allowed in. It’s as simple as that.”

Pressed on how the ban would be enforced, Mr Fox said the MCC would work with the authorities to come up with a plan to stop Benbrika ever setting foot in the ‘G.

Facial recognition technology had been trialled at the stadium but was not ready to be fully implemented, Mr Fox added.

It comes a day after the the radical Muslim cleric was released after he served 18 years behind bars for plotting to attack several Melbourne landmarks including the casino, Grand Prix and the MCG on Grand Final day.

Convicted terrorist Abdul Nacer Benbrika won’t be able to enter Crown casino.
Convicted terrorist Abdul Nacer Benbrika won’t be able to enter Crown casino.

Benbrika, 66, was released into the community on a strict extended supervision order on Tuesday afternoon.

The Herald Sun can reveal he will never be allowed to set foot in any venue owned or operated by Crown Resorts across the world.

It is understood the major resort chain has employed facial recognition technology that would detect him if he tried to enter.

The casino is in regular communication with state and federal authorities regarding his release.

Benbrika was released from Barwon Prison on Tuesday. Picture: Mark Stewart
Benbrika was released from Barwon Prison on Tuesday. Picture: Mark Stewart

Authorities would not confirm if any of the Melbourne landmarks were on a list of places Benbrika cannot attend because the Australian Federal Police suspects that his presence would present an “unacceptable risk to the public”.

Benbrika is now living with his wife and relatives at his family home in Melbourne’s north.

He did not appear to leave the single storey property on Wednesday, which was patrolled by police.

Mr Benbrika’s son said his father was “doing very well” surrounded by family.

Facial recognition technology will be used to prevent Benbrika entering any venue owned or operated by Crown Resorts across the world. Picture: AFP
Facial recognition technology will be used to prevent Benbrika entering any venue owned or operated by Crown Resorts across the world. Picture: AFP

He said they planned to spend the coming days together at home, and wanted to move on with their lives without the media attention.

“It’s over. It’s been 18 years,” he said.

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus maintained that his application for an extended supervision order, imposed by Justice Elizabeth Hollingworth, “was the strongest possible action under law”.

“If there is a requirement for … an extension of the extended supervision order that’s now there, then we will make an application,” Mr Dreyfus said.

He also blasted acting Opposition leader Sussan Ley for “stoking fear” and undermining confidence in federal and state police saying “this has to stop”.

But Ms Ley said she wanted Mr Dreyfus and Anthony Albanese to “stand up, look Australians in the eye and actually say they think it’s okay for Benbrika to be walking the streets, to walk amongst us”.

The Melbourne Cricket Ground has bizarrely refused to say whether Benbrika will be welcome at the venue.
The Melbourne Cricket Ground has bizarrely refused to say whether Benbrika will be welcome at the venue.

She said it was ridiculous that a convicted terrorist received free psychological and deradicalisation treatment while ordinary Australians can’t get access for their mental health needs.

Victorian opposition health spokesperson Georgie Crozier said the decision to release Benbrika was “terrible”.

“You’ve got somebody just a couple of years ago who was still deemed to be a risk to the community and yet he’s out into the community,” she said.

“It is yet to be proven that he is going to be safe in the community.”

State Health Minister Mary-Anne Thomas said Benbrika’s release was primarily the responsibility of the federal government and law enforcement agencies.

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