Andrews govt opens door to rent caps
The Andrews government says it is considering the idea of capping rents just days after slugging landlords with a new tax.
The Andrews government says it is considering the idea of capping rents just days after slugging landlords with a new tax.
Dan Andrews has defended his government’s budget while acknowledging there would be “deeply challenging times” ahead for some.
Victorians will be slugged with new Covid levies to ease the state’s massive debt – and now, attention is turning to one group that will be hit hard.
State debt is set to skyrocket to $171bn – almost $70,000 for every household – even though Victorians face a decade of tax pain.
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has responded to revelations IBAC was probing “serious corrupt” dealings between his government and a union.
The Premier says the radical social housing plan is “very, very uncertain” after it was revealed homeowners could be hit with higher rates bills and parking fines to recoup millions in lost revenue.
Daniel Andrews has been criticised for dropping his state’s mask mandate for all but one group.
The perverse primary school mask mandate shows the Andrews government is trying to coerce parents into vaccinating their children.
There has been confusion over why masks will be scrapped in most indoor settings but not for students in year 3 or above at primary school. Premier Daniel Andrews has explained the move.
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has clashed with reporters amid allegations his office inappropriately handled a bullying complaint.
A former adviser to Daniel Andrews is still actively involved in the Labor Party despite being accused of a relentless campaign of harassment against an MP.
Daniel Andrews is prepared to spend billions to stage the low-rent Olympics as a distraction from the woes of lockdown-ravaged Melbourne.
Dancefloor rules and density limits will soon change as Premier Daniel Andrews says “we will do everything we can to normalise this virus”.
Grieving relatives of a man who died after waiting 40 minutes for an ambulance say they feel abandoned, while Daniel Andrews has blamed the pandemic for growing strain on ambos.
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