
We all deserve an ‘American Alex’

In a weird way, Bachelor In Paradise is a mirror to our dating world. And it’s made me realise something important, writes Eliza Barr. We deserve so much better than the kind of men our nation is currently offering up.

Bachelor in Paradise: final cast revealed

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to raise the bar.

Seriously, raise it. Not raze it. And I mean the bar for men, not the bar on Bachelor In Paradise’s island of broken dreams.

A few less daytime margaritas in this highly volatile environment would probably do you good. Help you see more clearly.

I am convinced none of the women on this season of Bachelor In Paradise can actually see or hear a single thing that is going on because there is One Man Worth Anything on the whole godforsaken island and no-one is even looking sideways at him.

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If you’re not watching Bachelor In Paradise, basically what we’re working with is a motley crew of ex-Bachelor and Bachelorette contestants all making a second pass at love and/or fame — mostly while shirtless and sinking beers in the middle of the day.

We are truly not worthy of American Alex. Picture: Channel 10
We are truly not worthy of American Alex. Picture: Channel 10

We’ve got a collection of perfectly fine women including Stage Five Clinger Cass, Dangerous Driveway Tenille, Commentator In Chief Alisha, Zoe With The Good Hair, Sucker For Punishment Florence, and Girl Alex.

Yes, they have had their moments, but they are generally smart and pleasant women who are reasonably holding up their end of the basic humanity bargain.

Then, there’s the so-called men.

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We’ve got Bill From The Dog Park. Bill likes to keep his options open. Bill is gaslighting Florence and saying she is crazy for believing he was into her after, uh, kissing her in the pool and asking her to stay the night.

Bill is also “hanging out” with Girl Alex and has taken to referring to Flo as a “f---ing salty bitch” to convince Alex he isn’t into her even though he is. Or was. No-one knows, okay, Bill’s words literally mean nothing.

Girl Alex is currently on the receiving end of Bill’s lies. Picture: Channel 10
Girl Alex is currently on the receiving end of Bill’s lies. Picture: Channel 10

Then there’s Zany Jules Who Has A Band Name Tattooed On His Bum.

Jules likes to keep his options open. Jules is a weird bloke who caught Alisha’s attention. Jules has an intelligent, attractive woman who is unequivocally into him and he is spectacularly ruining it by investing in a totally imaginary connection with Dangerous Driveway Tenille, who has barely spoken three words to him. We were rooting for Jules. We’re not anymore.

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Then there is Incredible Ivan who is a B-grade un-self-aware wannabe Magic Mike. Incredible Ivan also blew off a great woman who was genuinely into him for Dangerous Driveway Tenille, who vaguely entertained his advances until it started to seem like he wanted to wear her skin like pyjamas. Ivan is too intense. Ivan is not paying attention to what Tenille wants because he only cares about what HE wants. Ivan thinks women are objects men keep like collectable Star Wars toys. Ivan is being creepy. Don’t be like Ivan.

Be more like American Alex. Picture: Channel 10
Be more like American Alex. Picture: Channel 10

I know it seems dire and you know what? It is. But so is dating in the real world because there are Bills, Jules and Ivans everywhere: in your Instagram DMs, at the bar, texting past a respectable hour, wasting your time, crushing your dreams and confirming the worrying prospect that the only thing some men bring to the table is audacity and entitlement.

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It’s hard out there.

Whether you’re in Paradise or Prahran, Petersham or Perth, men like these are single-handedly creating Bachelorette In Hell for Australia’s single ladies every Saturday night.

But then, there is American Alex.

American Alex is a former American Bachelorette contestant. American Alex is kind and polite and respects women’s boundaries! American Alex is eligible. American Alex is a man. And — bonus — American Alex has the body of a literal god.

All of the Aussie boys are bringing the drama. Picture: Channel 10
All of the Aussie boys are bringing the drama. Picture: Channel 10

Yet, all these perfectly nice women are crying into their mimosas because they are getting their time wasted by blokes who don’t value their commitment, or their kindness, or their humanity enough not to drop them when someone else comes along, or calls them disgusting names. No-one is even looking sideways at the Only Decent Man On The Island.

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In a weird way, Bachelor In Paradise is a mirror to the reality of dating in Australia.

Everyday excellent people break their backs trying to cuff people who don’t care about them and who also suck.

As human beings, we deserve better. We deserve more. We deserve to be loved by people who have more to offer than bleached tips and a sloppy approximation of commitment (ahem, Jules).

It’s 2019 people, you have to love yourselves more than that.

It’s time to open your eyes. It’s time to expect more. Ladies and gentleman, we all deserve love, and commitment, and respect.

We all deserve an American Alex.


Originally published as We all deserve an ‘American Alex’

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