
Why key Victorian Liberal is resigning

A key Victorian Liberal has resigned, with a first term MP set to replace him. It comes as leader John Pesutto prepares to ask the party to cover his legal costs in defending defamation actions.

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A key member of the Victorian Liberal Party’s leadership team has resigned.

Matt Bach, the Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Upper House, will leave parliament by early next year to take a job in the UK.

He will return to his pre-political career as a teacher.

He has stood down from the party’s leadership group, with first term MP Evan Mulholland to take his spot.

“It is a great result for Victoria,” one of Mr Bach’s colleagues said.

It comes just days after Mr Bach told Herald Sun he had no plans to quit politics.

But rumours about his exit had intensified over recent days amid speculation he had been applying for jobs abroad.

Matt Bach is headed overseas. Picture: Luis Enrique Ascui
Matt Bach is headed overseas. Picture: Luis Enrique Ascui

Angry colleagues were privately demanding he resign amid questions over his commitment to the party.

The pending exit is a huge loss for the party, with Mr Bach considered one of most talented politicians among the small team.

In December he briefly toyed with the idea of running against John Pesutto for the leadership.

His new role will see him combine teaching duties with an assistant headmaster role.

“I have made this decision purely in the interests of my young family and to enable my wife Amy to also pursue career opportunities in the UK,” Mr Bach said.

“It has been a great privilege to serve the people of the northeastern Metropolitan Region in the Legislative Council since 2020 and to serve in the Shadow Cabinet in a number of portfolios.

Opposition Leader John Pesutto will reassign Mr Bach’s portfolios of education and child protection.

He is also set to formally ask the Victorian Liberal Party to cover his legal costs to defend multiple defamation actions.

On Thursday night, the Liberal Party room voted on a motion that the Administrative Committee of the Liberal Party approve extending the legal indemnity insurance they are covered with to the Parliamentary Liberal Party.

The motion said this will ensure the parliamentary party is protected from current and future legal action.

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