
Victorian branch of the Transport Workers’ Union set to disband due to ‘cultural issues’

The Victorian branch of the Transport Workers’ Union will be disbanded after damning revelations of “cultural issues”.

CFMEU members rally in Melbourne

The Victorian branch of the Transport Workers’ Union will be disbanded amid revelations of “operational and cultural” issues.

It comes after an investigation into allegations of serious wrongdoing against former branch secretary Mem Suleyman, the brother of Allan government Minister Natalie Suleyman, which failed to find any evidence to support the claims.

Mr Suleyman, who has been in the job for less than a year, took the reins of the Victorian division after the sudden resignation of his predecessor Mike McNess.

In a statement issued on Tuesday the TWU said an independent investigation had found the branch had ceased to function effectively.

The announcement comes amid an investigation into allegations of serious wrongdoing against former branch secretary Mem Suleyman. Picture: Supplied
The announcement comes amid an investigation into allegations of serious wrongdoing against former branch secretary Mem Suleyman. Picture: Supplied

TWU Victoria/Tasmania members will continue to be represented by the union, under an interim governance arrangement and under the stewardship of the National Committee of Management.

“This decision has not been taken lightly,” TWU National President Tim Dawson said.

“However, we believe it is necessary to urgently address the systemic issues identified in Mr Marks’ report and to refocus our efforts on what truly matters – fighting for the rights and interests of our members.”

The decision follows a comprehensive inquiry conducted by retired judge, The Honourable Frank Marks, which found unfounded allegations of misconduct against Mr Suleyman.

“Mr Marks’ investigation uncovered serious operational and cultural problems within the branch,” Mr Dawson said.

“Given these issues, National Council has formed the view that the National Committee of Management should move to immediately oversee governance while a long-term solution is prepared.

“The National Committee of Management is deeply concerned that Mem Suleyman suffered unfounded allegations against him by figures within the branch.

“These allegations were not made on behalf of any complainant and the Branch Committee of Management had opened no investigation into them.”

National President Tim Dawson said it was necessary to urgently address their systemic issues. Picture: NewsWire Handout
National President Tim Dawson said it was necessary to urgently address their systemic issues. Picture: NewsWire Handout

Mr Dawson said the interim governance of the Victoria/Tasmania membership by the National Committee would take immediate effect.

“We will keep our members informed of progress and seek their input as we work to ensure strong, effective representation of Victoria and Tasmania transport workers long into the future,” he said.

“While this is a challenging time for our union, we are confident that these actions will result in a stronger, more unified TWU that is better equipped to fight for the rights and interests of all transport workers across Australia.”

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