
Tree victim’s fund to aid suicide prevention

A young mum killed by a falling tree in Princes Park, has been credited with preventing dozens of suicides in the construction industry. Now her lifesaving work will continue thanks to a new fund.

The lifesaving work of a young mum killed by a falling tree is to continue with a $110,000 gift in her name.
The lifesaving work of a young mum killed by a falling tree is to continue with a $110,000 gift in her name.

The lifesaving work of a young mum killed by a falling tree is to continue with a $110,000 gift in her name.

Allison Milner, a University of Melbourne academic who was walking past Princes Park when a large elm fell without warning, has been credited with preventing dozens of suicides in the construction industry through her research.

The charity which the 36-year-old worked with has now launched a scholarship in the her memory.

MATES in Construction national chief executive officer Chris Lockwood told the Herald Sun Assoc Prof Milner, a mum of two young children, was driven to help others.

“Her work with MATES has definitely saved lives — dozens,’’ Mr Lockwood said.

“It was her passion.”

The newly-established Allison Milner Memorial Fund will each year provide $110,000 for an upcoming academic to complete a three-year PhD about preventing suicide or improving mental health in the workplace.

Allison Milner was killed as she walked to work when a large elm tree fell onto the footpath in Parkville.
Allison Milner was killed as she walked to work when a large elm tree fell onto the footpath in Parkville.

The first scholarship has been awarded to the University of South Australia’s Simon Tyler.

Mr Lockwood said Assoc Prof Milner’s contribution to the charity, founded in 2008, had left a lifelong legacy.

She was its inaugural national academic director.

“The program continues to grow and flourish from the strong foundation that Allison helped us establish,’’ he said.

“She had very strong personal connection with everyone she worked with.

“This has hit us really hard.

“She was a mate, a colleague and friend.

“We wanted to recognise the impact of her work in a way that could see some of that work and inspiration continue.

“We see it as a lasting legacy to the importance of Allison’s work.”

An estimated 190 construction industry workers take their own lives nationwide each year.

MATES in Construction’s initiatives include suicide prevention programs on worksites and a 24/7 helpline.

Assoc Prof Milner’s death is among a spate involving falling trees.

Irish nurse Mary Ellen Molloy, 26, died late last year when a tree branch struck the car she was travelling in at South Melbourne.

A father and son at Sherbrooke and a mum on the Black Spur at Fernshaw were also among those tragically killed.





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