
Louise Staley joins battle for Liberal MP Matt Bach’s seat

Former Liberal MP Louise Staley is hoping to make a parliamentary comeback, joining an eclectic group vying to replace key Liberal Matthew Bach.

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Former Liberal MP Louise Staley is hoping to make a parliamentary comeback.

The Herald Sun has confirmed Ms Staley, who failed to retain the seat of Ripon at November’s state election, has nominated for a spot in the upper house.

Nominations to replace outgoing North-Eastern Metropolitan Region MP Matt Bach, who is quitting politics, closed on Monday.

Ms Staley is understood to be relocating to Melbourne and is keen to return to politics.

Victorian Shadow Minister for Government Scrutiny Louise Staley. Picture: Andrew Henshaw
Victorian Shadow Minister for Government Scrutiny Louise Staley. Picture: Andrew Henshaw

Since being forced from parliament in November she has been a leading candidate in the race

for the party’s state director, but was ultimately beaten by incumbent Stuart Smith, and has been working on a casual basis with the state parliamentary team.

Backers of Ms Staley said she would bring much needed campaign experience, and political savvy to the team.

Reality TV star and former crown prosecutor Sharn Coombes has also nominated to fill the casual vacancy.

An eclectic group of Liberals will be vying to replace Matthew Bach. Picture: Luis Enrique Ascui
An eclectic group of Liberals will be vying to replace Matthew Bach. Picture: Luis Enrique Ascui

The contest will be Ms Coombes’, a two-time Australian Survivor runner-up and seasoned criminal lawyer, second try at politics.

The mum of four unsuccessfully ran against Labor MP Peta Murphy in the federal seat of Dunkley at last year’s election.

Ms Coombes, who lives out of the electorate but will consider moving if successful, has strong support among the party’s moderate faction.

Reality TV star and former crown prosecutor Sharn Coombes will be putting her hat in the ring to replace key Liberal Matthew Bach. Picture: Tony Gough
Reality TV star and former crown prosecutor Sharn Coombes will be putting her hat in the ring to replace key Liberal Matthew Bach. Picture: Tony Gough

Irene Ling, a fundraising executive and president of the eastern multicultural branch of the party, is also considered a potential replacement.

Energy industry communications director and former Matthew Guy and Katie Allen staffer Jemma Townson will also nominate.

Chris Kounelis, 26, a law student and secretary of the federal electorate conference in Menzies, has also put his hand up.

Another contender is understood to be former Liberal MP for Forest Hill, Neil Angus, who is also hoping to make a comeback after losing his seat at November’s state election to Labor.

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