
Snowboarding mates Martie Buckland and Daniel Kerr shared last ride to avalanche tragedy

WHEN two schoolmates excitedly strapped on their boards atop the Erksdale Spur on Victoria’s highest peak, it would be the last ride the pair would share.

Death on the mountain
Death on the mountain

IN the moments before their death the two snowboarders killed by an avalanche in the Victorian Alps were living their dream.

Footage from their GoPro camera shows the schoolmates Martie Buckland, 33, and Daniel Kerr, 32, excitedly strapping on their boards atop the Erksdale Spur on July 10.

The pair’s tent at Michell Hut on Mt Bogong.
The pair’s tent at Michell Hut on Mt Bogong.

Mr Buckland’s camera was not working but he was thrilled to be on Victoria’s highest peak, Mt Bogong, which he affectionately called “Boags”.

They launched just after lunch, gliding down the gully side by side, making a gentle figure-eight in the virgin snow.

It would be the last ride the friends would share.

A slab of snow and ice 30m wide and more than a foot thick, ripped from the mountain carrying both men to their deaths.

Every second of the tragedy was caught on a camera strapped to Mr Kerr’s gear, which police are now examining to piece together the boarders’ final moments.

Mates Daniel Kerr, Martie Buckland were experienced on the slopes and knew the dangers.
Mates Daniel Kerr, Martie Buckland were experienced on the slopes and knew the dangers.

Victoria Police Search and Rescue Sergeant Simon Brand said once you saw the video you could understand the power in the avalanche the men faced.

“It created significant damage,’’ he said.

“It swept everything in its path including trees, rock and earth.

“We don’t have many destructive avalanches in Australia but ours are like concrete not powder.’’

“And with the conditions we are seeing we still have a huge avalanche risk, this season.’’

In an eerie twist Sgt Brand had met the men the day before they died.

On Wednesday evening, a police rescue team was helping a male hiker, suffering from hypothermia, descend the mountain.

They passed two friendly snowboarders who stopped to chat on their way to Michell Hut.

“That’s the spooky situation,” Sgt Brand said.

“These guys looked well equipped.

“We didn’t think in our wildest dreams they would need a rescue.’’

Search teams gathering at Michell Hut after the men failed to return.
Search teams gathering at Michell Hut after the men failed to return.

Almost 400km away in Yarra Junction Mr Buckland’s wife Sally, 31, was at home caring for their 17-month-old son Thomas.

The couple had met working at an adventure store a decade earlier and had been on many skiing and hiking expeditions together.

At lunch time Mrs Buckland received what would be the last message from her husband, a texted photo of the men’s campsite.

It read “Big love from the little tent”.

For a moment she was had a moment of fear, but she pushed it to the back of her mind.

“Martie would always check the weather before he went and he always had the best gear. He was just so safe,’’ she said.

“If we ever went out (together) he would spend the time teaching me skills, he was very patient and when we had our little boy we kept going. He was the best father in the world.

“It (the worry) was there in the back of my mind, but I knew he had experienced every type of weather up on Mt Bogong ... so when I didn’t hear from them I assumed they were out of range.’’

Police scour the mountain top at Mt Bogong.
Police scour the mountain top at Mt Bogong.

The couple had discussed the danger of an avalanche in the lead up to the trip but mostly Mr Buckland was positive and looking forward to time on the slopes with his best friend.

But on Saturday when the pair failed to return home, alarm bells began to ring.

Family began desperately calling the men’s phones aware that bad weather had plagued the peak for two days.

By the time the police were called both men had been buried under snow and ice for almost 48 hours.

As 23 rescuers headed for the mountain Mrs Buckland headed to Mt Beauty, desperately hoping to find her husband alive.

Within hours rescuers tracked Mr Kerr’s body through a mysterious signal, buried 4m deep at the bottom of a gully.

Less than a day later Mr Buckland’s body was uncovered just 60m from his friend.

Rescuers with ice axes battled bad weather and steep terrain taking more than five hours to drag the body back to the top of the ridge.

Martie Buckland doing what he loved.
Martie Buckland doing what he loved.

On Tuesday night Mr Buckland was carried off the mountain in darkness.

Experts believe recent avalanches in Victoria’s high country are among the biggest recorded in Australia.

And after last week’s tragedy authorities have issued a warning for hikers and skiers to be wary throughout the season

“Avalanches do happen (and) hopefully people will take notice of what state the back country is in at the moment,’’ Sgt Brand said.

“Going in to the back-country can be dangerous and people need to be aware of the risks and obtain proper training.

“Throughout the season there will be natural landslides and slides triggered by skiers and snowboarders.

“Certainly in winter there is a more consistent stream of

traffic up there.

“Don’t ski alone and let someone know you are going and remember nothing is easy on Mt Bogong.’’

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