

Sally Capp set for partially ratepayer funded trip to Argentina

Sally Capp is set to fly to Argentina for a climate junket, sparking criticism over the cost to ratepayers just months after her trip to Singapore.

Lord Mayor Sally Capp is heading to Argentina months after a taxpayer-funded trip to Singapore. Picture: David Geraghty.
Lord Mayor Sally Capp is heading to Argentina months after a taxpayer-funded trip to Singapore. Picture: David Geraghty.

Victoria’s peak ratepayer group has lashed out at plans to send Lord Mayor Sally Capp on another overseas junket – just months after her $5000 taxpayer-funded trip to Singapore to learn how to combat graffiti.

If approved by City of Melbourne councillors on Tuesday, Ms Capp will fly to Argentina to attend the C40 World Mayors Summit in October.

The Buenos Aires summit will focus on ways to achieve local climate action to help secure “a sustainable, equitable future.”

This year’s conference will explore three themes – climate recovery, wellbeing cities and climate financing.

The motion, prepared by the council’s general manager on climate change Evan Counsel, will go before the Future Melbourne Committee on Tuesday. It will seek approval for the Lord Mayor’s travel to the summit “at an estimated cost to Council of $900”.

A ratepayer group has criticised Ms Capp’s travel plans. Picture: David Crosling
A ratepayer group has criticised Ms Capp’s travel plans. Picture: David Crosling

The City of Melbourne said the summit organisers have offered to cover the cost of the Lord Mayor’s flight and accommodation.

“Management is seeking Council’s approval to accept the invitation from the Mayors of London and Buenos Aires for the Lord Mayor to attend and speak at the C40 World Mayors Summit in October,” the spokesperson added.

“The City of Melbourne is a founding member of C40, a global network of mayors taking urgent action to respond to climate change.”

The motion argues the summit is important as “it allows the city to position itself to leverage opportunities that build on Melbourne’s reputation as a preferred and sustainable destination in which to live, invest in, do business and visit.”

It notes that Ms Capp will prepare a report to council within 60 days of returning from the summit.

But the state’s peak ratepayers group has criticised the proposal, arguing it is unnecessary use of council funds.

“Sally Capp should not be leaving Australia, or indeed Melbourne, for any reason and instead should be firmly focused on every business owner and resident in the City of Melbourne,” Ratepayers Victoria Vice President Dean Hurlston said.

“She needs to get people back in the city and stand up to the Andrews government over the injecting room instead of going on junkets.”

He added, “There is no doubt that climate summits are important but the days of travelling the world to attend conferences are over.

“This can be done virtually as we have all done all over the world in the last two years.”

Last month, Ms Capp went on a lavish $5,000 taxpayer-funded trip to attend the World Cities Summit in Singapore.

The fact-finding mission was largely centred on why graffiti was not an issue in Singapore. The city-state has some of the strictest laws around graffiti, littering, and jay walking with punishments including deportation.

The Lord Mayor said Melbourne could soon have an app to help combat the city’s graffiti problem, following her return from the junket.

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