
Regional Victorians desperately need GPs and other health workers

BABIES being born on the side of the road, families driving for hours for hospital care, kids forced to miss weeks of school for treatment. This is the shocking truth about what health care looks like in regional Victoria right now.

Country Victoria

REGIONAL Victorians are sick and tired of not having the doctors and health workers they need to care for them and sustain their communities.

According to the Rural Workforce Agency Victoria, there were 174 vacant health positions in regional Victoria last week, including 143 desperately needed GPs.

The hardest hit regions are the Murray with 76 vacancies, Western Victoria 62, and Gippsland 31.




Sharlene Stringer with children Hayley, Becky and Tyler outside the Boort's medical clinic which will close from 1 November — leaving the town without doctors. Picture: Rob Leeson.
Sharlene Stringer with children Hayley, Becky and Tyler outside the Boort's medical clinic which will close from 1 November — leaving the town without doctors. Picture: Rob Leeson.

Rural doctor shortages have been an issue for more than a decade but have now become an epidemic spreading to other health professions.

Regional Hospital CEOs have told a Sunday Herald Sun investigation the listed vacancies are only the tip of the iceberg, as there is no point in advertising for positions such as midwives when they can’t even attract an obstetrician.

As a result hospital bosses report babies being born on the side of the road, families driving for hours for appointments or hospital care while children missing weeks of school because they cannot have ear infections treated.

Boort's medical clinic, St Anthony Medical Practice, will close in November.
Boort's medical clinic, St Anthony Medical Practice, will close in November.

On almost all health indicators measured by Victoria’s Department of Health rural communities fair worse, with higher rates of obesity, lower rates of physical activity, less fruit and vegetable consumption leading to greater chances of suffering asthma, heart disease, stroke, cancer, osteoporosis, arthritis and anxiety or depression.

While some isolated communities have always struggled to attract workers, health services say they have been hit with a host of new hurdles by the Federal and State Governments, including;

NO co-ordination to allow small health services to share the cost of hiring health workers across a region;

INFLEXIBLE supervision provisions that prevent trainees practising in remote areas;

VISA changes deterring overseas trained doctors;

MEDICARE billing rates making it unviable for practitioners in areas with fewer patients:

INSUFFICIENT use of telehealth, particularly to prevent rural patients travelling for specialist appointments.

LIMITED scope for nurse practitioners; and

NO government-funded locum service so practitioners can have time off.


Victorian Healthcare Association chief executive officer Tom Symondson said vacancies snowballed through regions to become permanent gaps.

“Beyond doctors, we are actually starting to have difficulty finding nurses to go into smaller rural locations. We are starting to hear from some places that they are having to recruit internationally for nurses for the first time,” he said.

“Outside the metro and regional areas, rural Victoria is dependent on a small number of clinicians, whether it is GPs, paediatrists, physiotherapists or anyone else.

“This is not just a policy issue, this is effecting real people.”

The 457 visa system that saw many foreign doctors recruited to the regions was replaced with a 482 Temporary Skill Shortage visa in March, but it has no avenue for practitioners to seek permanent residency.

“We are starting to hear hospitals say people they thought were going to come have now changed their minds because they thought it was route to stay in Australia, and now it is not,” Mr Symondson said.

“You get somebody to come to the area because it is a visa requirement and, when it is no longer a visa requirement they may well leave the area — a lot of people will stay, but a lot of people won’t.

“But if you can’t get them to come in the first place you don't even get that period.”

Another issue has been the consequences of safety reforms needed after the Bacchus Marsh baby deaths scandal, which Rural Doctors Association of Victoria president Dr Jane Neyland said are necessary but need better support measures.

“A lot of people have become risk-averse and withdrawing services,” Dr Neyland said.

“You can withdraw services, but it doesn’t stop the patients coming to your door.

“With maternity services you end up having people presenting in labour (and you’re) not set up to deal with them. So you they end up delivering on the road.”


The Federal Government is responsible for doctors and policies influencing where they work, however the State Government controls the hospitals where they are needed.

The Andrew’s Government’s refusal to undertake a statewide workforce strategy is the biggest barrier to improving the situation, Mr Symondson said.

As well as providing data about the size of the crisis and where the most urgent gaps are, he said the strategy could provide co-ordinated recruitment for entire regions.

Currently hospitals often fail to recruit specialists such as psychiatrists because the only have enough clients for one or two day’s work a week, without knowing neighbouring towns have a similar need that could provide a full time job for a specialist — if they could be co-ordinated.


Boort is trying to recruit four doctors as the only medical clinic in town shuts up shop.
Boort is trying to recruit four doctors as the only medical clinic in town shuts up shop.

Mr Symondson said the Federal Government also needed to make rebates more attractive for rural health workers who cannot see as many patients a day as they could bill in the city.

“Instead of that being left up to the local health services coming up with a partnership, the State Government needs to say ‘there is a need here, how do we support it’,” Mr Symondson said.

“A local hospital cannot influence training in the university system; it cannot influence immigration policy; it can’t influence whether people want to come to that town.

“They do their very, very best, but it is starting to become too hard to continue.”

While country hospitals and practitioners have ideas they believe can help, Dr Neyland fears nobody is listening.

The RDAV lobbied unsuccessfully for more than a year to meet with Victorian Health Minister Jill Hennessy and was only recently scheduled a meeting with a representative of her office.

“We are representative of the rural doctors of Victoria and they are the ones who are crying out for help, and their communities need doctors, but she does not seem interested,” Dr Neyland said.



A PUB with no beer is one thing, but a hospital with no doctor is something country towns just cannot survive.

Boort is the latest rural centre left scrambling to find doctors to work in their hospital.

For the past 12 years it’s been staffed by GPs from the local privately run clinic, but its impending closure has them looking for another solution.

Mother of three, Sharlene Stringer, said her major worry was the time it will now take to access a medical institute should one of her kids fall ill.

“We’ve always been really lucky with the clinic because the minute we’ve had sick kids I’ve been able to ring up that morning and get an appointment straight away,” Ms Stringer said.

“Now I have to go out of town for a doctor and it makes it so much harder with sick kids to then travel a minimum of an hour, and that’s if I can get in on the same day.

“It concerns you with young kids or if there is an emergency and there’s no doctor, you’re still looking at an hour away for any sort of service.”

Boort District Health chief executive officer Darren Clarke is now trying to attract a new clinic to the town.

If one can’t be convinced to come, Mr Clarke said the hospital would have to use locum doctors as a very expensive temporary measure.

The small town is rallying to try and recruit at least two doctors.
The small town is rallying to try and recruit at least two doctors.

“There are usually two doctors here but, because we have used international medical graduates, they need a level of supervision while working in rural and remote areas,” he said.

“It is not easy at all, but we would never leave the community without a doctor.”

Mr Clarke was optimistic the town would not be facing a shortage for long.

“We have had interest. We are now currently processing potential providers … and have identified a preferred candidate.

In nearby Kerang the community has gone to great lengths to try and shore up its health service, in April producing their own music video I Want a GP, in a bid to attract interest.

Even with the viral video and a $350,000 salary package including a car and home they are yet to find a permanent GP.

Mandy Hutchinson from Kerang’s Northern District Community Health said governments needed to embrace new ways of providing health services.

She said telehealth, nurse practitioners and remote supervision practices would allow registrars and overseas trained practitioners to work in the country.

Residents in Cohuna rallied last November when the hospital’s maternity service was put on bypass and no longer allowed to deliver babies. It’s now back up and running.

And on the other side of the state Mallacoota went to the trouble of building an entire medical centre to make it’s post more attractive while scouring the world for a doctor, eventually attracting a GP from Canada.





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