
One in six Victorians drink wheelbarrow of sugar a year

UPDATE: MAYBE we should put the kids in charge. As adults continue to debate how best to tackle the obesity crisis this Melbourne class shocked by a Herald Sun report on sugary drinks might just hold the answers.

Sugar - calls to cut the amount consumed by kids
Sugar - calls to cut the amount consumed by kids

LAST month our health editor Grant McArthur reported on the frightening levels of sugar being consumed by many Victorians.

He revealed as many as one in six Victorians were drinking the equivalent of a wheelbarrow full of sugar each year, creating a surge in health problems as well as calls for a sugar tax (see full report below).

The article prompted one class at Oak Park Primary School to discuss the health impact.

Year 6 teacher Livio Coreno said the class “really embraced the article ‘Sugar Mountain’ on March 11th and were compelled to write back to your newspaper to share their opinion”.

“There are some excellent responses here with great ideas to support their opinion.

“I hope you appreciate them and I know they would be extremely excited if some could be used by your paper.”
So here they are.

Deniz (11): After I read the article, I felt like I had opened another branch of me hating soft drink companies. I can never forget the image of the wheelbarrow full of sugar. I keep thinking of the people that would consume that much every year and how it must be affecting their health. Why would any well-known company care more about money and less about the people that suffer because of too much sugar. So disappointing….

Jade (11): WOW! I am so disgusted with how much sugar is in our diets. Now that I know how much sugar is in a 600ml bottle of soft drink, I will definitely have to cut down on my sugar intake. If you drink a bottle of soft drink each day for a year, it can fill a wheelbarrow. Isn’t it disgusting! Actually, it’s outrageous!!

Jamie (11): There is too much sugar in our diets! But no one wants to change it because it’s so delicious. And that is where the problem stands. The intake of sugar by people every year is outrageous! Lucky I don’t like soft drinks. I think others should cut some soft drink out of their diets. I say yes to the taxes for soft drinks. My mind was blown by the sugar facts.

Molly (12): I reckon that most of the statements are true, and that people these days eat way too much sugar. To me it’s unbelievable that people these days consume over a wheelbarrow of sugar a year. I think the government should up the price of all soft drinks.

Alicia: I think that it’s true, that a lot of people have too much sugar every day.. Sugar is very common and it is hidden in lots of things. There is no hiding a wheelbarrow of sugar so I am determined to cut this down on the sugar I consume every day after reading article.

Hanieh (11): I believe that the government should definitely have taxes on soft drink. I can’t believe people would go against the idea do you realise how many people end up in the hospital because of high sugar levels?

Sienna (11): To Grant McArthur, Sugar, sugar, sugar! I love everything sweet. And I don’t want to stop my sugar intake! I think the government should get sued over this article! Terrible, terrible, terrible, horrible, terrible idea. I defiantly say this is a terrible idea.

Aiya (11): I was reading your article and I thought wow! Sugar is in everything these days, mainly in soft drinks. Even if I drink a small amount of soft drink, there is still a heap of sugar in it Wow! I should stop drinking soft drink even though sugar is the best! So I think they should add a few dollars up but not too much.

Bridget (12): I was reading your article about how sugar can affect your kidneys if you have too much of it. I personally agree with you. Too much sugar is not good for your health and I should start being more aware of what I put into my body and how it can affect my health; not just mine, everyone’s! Your article is very true and I couldn’t agree more. I never knew how much sugar is in soft drink, WOW!

Angus (11): After reading this newspaper article it makes me feel that my parents have been taken away from me it is that overwhelming. To see that one in six people in Australia drink over one wheelbarrow full of sugar a year, its just revolting. Having seen this statistic we should let the federal government go ahead with the most amazing idea of a sugar tax. Having read this article I will definitely be cutting down on sugar.

Alana (10): Wow! I can’t believe how much sugar is put in soft drinks and all those sugary sweets. This is unacceptable as inevitably, it is the consumer who will eventually pay the price. Many innocent people may end up in hospital. In fact, hospitals are filling with patients suffering as a result of too much sugar in their diet. Kidney disease, obesity and heart problems are often linked to too much sugar. I think we should raise the prices of all the sugar products so parents will think “this is too much money.” They might not buy soft drinks for their children if it is too much especially if they’re on a tight budget. Think of it this way, the money saved on buying soft drink can be used much more wisely.

Emre (11): I can’t believe how much sugar we have every day. The article ‘Sugar Mountain’ made me feel sad that I never knew about this. And soft drink companies have been getting away with this for how long? I know that soft drinks are delicious but I should stop drinking too much soft drink and live a healthier life.

Hayat (11): As much as I don’t want to stop sugar, I do agree that people have too much. It’s shocking how all these companies have done nothing but cause people to suffer from diseases and sickness caused by sugar. The least the companies can do is try and put less sugar in their products. And for what? Money. Even though I do have a bit too much sugar myself, I’m definitely going to try and have less sugar in my diet. It will be hard considering all these heartless companies put sugar in everything. I might sound rude and I know not all companies are causing people to be in hospital but it’s just my honest opinion and sometimes the truth hurts.

Jade (11): I can’t believe how much sugar is in a bottle of soft drink. 25kg is a lot of sugar huh? That is like 16 teaspoons of sugar! Unbelievable!! I can’t understand the people who make this stuff! What are they thinking? If I knew how much sugar was in a bottle of soft drink, I would have stopped having it years ago. I love sugar and it is in a lot of stuff like chocolate and sweets. But, after seeing with my own two eyes the amount of sugar I consume, I think now it is time for everyone to cut down.

Julian: In my opinion, I believe that the sugar mountain story was very interesting. I think that they should put a sugar tax because it would be extremely disappointing to be in a suburb with only fat people. Some of the other facts were truly mind blowing and it has inspired me to eat less sugar. Truly Amazing.

Lauren (10): I do agree that the rate of sugar going into our body is too much. Yet the soft drink companies are getting all this money while the community are falling into dangerous health habits. I do like having sweet lollies but I’m going to stop that now that I have seen how much sugar is present in everyday food. 16 tea spoons of sugar a day cannot be good for anyone.

Mitchell (11): I still can’t believe about the intake of sugar into everyone’s diet. I mean that would be pretty unhealthy especially for soft drink. I like sugar and it’s in basically everything but I should, and everyone should start cutting down on the amount of sugar we put into our body, so I’m definitely for the sugar tax.

Pavithra (11): Thank goodness I decided to read this article!!! Wow, THAT is a lot of sugar!!!! You have done an amazing job in making people realise how much sugar they have been consuming unknowingly. It was mind blowing how much sugar is in a 600ml can of soft drink. Personally I love them, but it’s about time that I started thinking more about my health. This article has made me realise that before it is too late.

I think the government is making an excellent choice to introduce tax on soft drinks. Our future health is already on the balance, so why tip it with sugar; a problem that is so unnecessary and so easy to fix.

Sophie (11): I think the amount of sugar that some people eat is terrible. I mean, a bottle of soft drink a day is equal to a wheelbarrow full of sugar after a year! Soft drink companies should cut back on sugar in their product. I’m definitely cutting back after reading the Sugar Mountain article. I think the government should introduce a sugar tax; so many people are developing diseases related to all the sugar they eat.

Vidhika (11): I was reading your article about “Sugar Mountain”. It was magnificent and full of mind blowing facts. After I read it, I realised how much sugar we’re eating sugar each day. I personally agree with you, infect I couldn’t agree more. This article told me how eating sugar can affect your kidney. Wow, I had no idea, but thanks to your article, I’ve decided to cut down on sugar. Again thanks Grant for your incredible article and I hope that the sugar tax suggestion will succeed!

Liam (11): I believe that you shouldn’t put a tax on soda because even though it has a lot of sugar and chemicals people aren’t going to agree and there a lot of things much worse that people get addicted to. Have you ever herd of alcohol it’s much worse than soda if you drink too much and that’s what a lot of people do.

Joe (11): I think it’s crazy how much Sugar is in one 600ml bottle of Soft Drink. I mean, 16 Teaspoons! That’s pretty unhealthy! 23kg of sugar is more than enough! I love sugar, we all do. But, I really need to cut down the amount of Sweets and Sugary Soft Drinks. To many innocent people are suffering from Soft Drinks full of Sugar and Chemicals. How would you like to suffer!?

Lucas (12): I agreed with the tax, too many people are obese and I’m afraid that it will happen to me. There is a way if we cut down on sugar we can beat obesity and not have so many people in the hospital.

Tara (11): I think that the government should not tax soft drinks because that will give the government all the money. If the government taxes coke, then the coke company will go down. That would be disastrous for there will be no more coke left. Also if you tax coke, prices will go up for a cold refreshing drink of coke. If the government taxes coke, they may spend the money as they wish like on some ridiculous project in our city.

Tolga (11): This is TERRIBLE!!!! I cannot believe this there is 16 teaspoons of sugar in a single bottle of coke?! And some people drink a barrel full of sugar in a year and thanks to you our hospitals are full of people. You make me sick!

Troy (11): This is OUTRAGEOUS!!! I can’t believe there’s 16 teaspoons of sugar in Coke cola brands I had never found out until this moment. This has truly ruined my life.


The March 12 report by Grant McArthur

ONE in six Victorians are drinking the equivalent of a wheelbarrow full of sugar each year, creating a surge in health problems as well as calls for a sugar tax.

In an effort to cut the growing toll of chronic disease, Kidney Health Australia used World Kidney Day to ramp up rhetoric calling for children to choose water over soft drinks.

With each 600ml bottle of soft drink containing 16 teaspoons of sugar, the more than one in six Victorians guzzling a bottle each day are doing the equivalent to consuming 23kg of sugar a year.


While she stopped short of calling for a tax on sugar sweetened drinks, Kidney Health Australia managing director Anne Wilson said the Federal Government needed to explore every options to slash the nation’s sweet tooth.

“If you do this one simple thing for an entire year this is the amount of sugar consumption you will have — it is pretty scary when you look at it in that wheelbarrow,” Ms Wilson said.

“People need to be able to make healthy food choices and when processed foods that have high levels of refined foods and salt are less expensive than fresh fruit and vetageables of course there will be people that who will make those cheaper choices.”

According to Kidney Health Australia, people who regularly drink one or more sugar-sweetened soft drinks per day have a 58 per cent higher chance of developing chronic kidney disease.

Albert Park Primary School students gained an all-too-sweet taste of the issue yesterday when they were shown just how much sugar was consumed in a year, reinforcing the school’s message of choosing water instead.

The Australian Dental Association, Heart Foundation, Cancer Council, Diabetes Australia, and Obesity Policy Coalition have voiced support for a sugar tax or called on the Australian Government to investigate to proposal.

A VicHealth-Herald Sun poll last October also revealed seven out of 10 readers would support a junk food tax if the revenue was used to make healthier options cheaper.

But the Australian Beverages Council last month claimed it was unfair to single out soft drinks, saying a soft-drink tax would be ineffective in addressing the nation’s expanding waistline because they ranked only seventh on a list of treat foods for daily kilojoules intake.

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