
Nurse faces hearing over vaccination ‘lie’

A MELBOURNE hospital nurse who boasts of refusing to vaccinate patients is under ­review for allegedly lying about her immunisation status so she can continue to work.

Anti vaccine posts on Facebook.
Anti vaccine posts on Facebook.

A MELBOURNE hospital nurse who boasts of refusing to vaccinate patients is under ­review for allegedly lying about her immunisation status so she can continue to work.

In secret online posts, the registered nurse brags that she “lies” about receiving booster shots and vaccines intended to protect her and patients from illnesses.

The claims are now being examined by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia amid concerns the nurse, who lives in Melbourne’s outer east, is endangering patients and providing a false declaration to her employers.

Another one of her Facebook posts.
Another one of her Facebook posts.

Her various posts in the closed Vaccine Free Australia forum may also lead to a wider probe of other medical workers connected to her after she claimed her GP helped her falsify the immunisation records.

“Being a nurse it’s tough. I had to submit my immunisation card before going to work at a hospital … thankfully my GP stamped all the boxes and I casually filled in the blanks … I also refuse to inject people (young or old),” she wrote in the forum.

“My GP knows about my choices and he is supportive so much that he confessed he doesn’t vaccinate his kids or anyone who comes into his practice!!!!

“I’ve been to a hospital where a bunch of nurses and Dr were sitting in a lunch room discussing the issue of vaccine and to my surprise NONE of them vaccinate their kids. I knew I wasn’t alone.”

The Sunday Herald Sun has chosen not to identify the nurse while authorities continue to examine her anti-vaccination posts and immunis­ation status.

Despite proudly boasting on Facebook that, “I now take every opportunity to speak against this crime”, the nurse did not respond to Sunday Herald Sun requests to talk about immunisation issues.

But her online boasts have attracted the attention of the authorities.

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency spokeswoman Nicole Newton confirmed the nurse’s online claims were being examined.

“The board holds all registered nurses and midwives to account against the professional standards set by the board,” she said. “The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia expects all registered nurses and midwives to act ethically and to put their patients’ best interests first.

“AHPRA and the board will review these allegations carefully and take appropriate regulatory action.”

While revealing to other anti-vaccination supporters that she had removed vaccination brochures from a Melbourne childcare centre, the nurse claimed she had supported immunisations until her son stopped talking and changed behaviour after receiving his measles, mumps, and rubella shot at 12 months.

“Being a nurse I was taught to jab and convince whoever asked me that vaccine saves lives,” she said.

“Since my dad opened my eyes I have spoken to whoever wanted to listen (even those who didn’t) and I ‘lie’ about my vax status in order to avoid being poisoned every year with booster shots, flu vax, etc.

“Interesting fact that a lot of nurses and Dr that I have met at hospitals don’t vax themselves or their families ... wonder why ha?

“I’m lucky that in my profession I can refuse to administer meds if I don’t agree with it, but, then again, there are many who would instead of me.”

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