
City of Monash cancels children’s drag storytime event in Oakleigh

City of Monash has canned a controversial drag storytime event for children after violent threats from neo-Nazi protesters.

Angry protesters at a City of Monash council meeting on April 27.
Angry protesters at a City of Monash council meeting on April 27.

City of Monash has canned a controversial drag storytime event after threats from neo-Nazi protesters.

The event, for children aged between 1 and 6, was expected to take place at Oakleigh Library on May 19.

But Monash chief executive Dr Andi Diamond said the sold-out event was cancelled due to repeated threats of violence.

“This event has attracted significant attention with hateful and threatening commentary and misinformation spread online, via email and directly over the phone,” she said on Thursday.

“It is incredibly disappointing to have to cancel an event designed to celebrate the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia but we were left with no choice after Victoria Police advised council of the risks associated with holding the event.

“Councillors and staff have received messages that nobody should be expected to receive in their workplace, as have our LGBTIQA+ community.

“In recent days these threats have escalated to direct threats of violence involving the event itself.”

Victoria Police were called to City of Monash’s council building after tensions flared between protesters last week.
Victoria Police were called to City of Monash’s council building after tensions flared between protesters last week.

The event was created to introduce children to “diverse role models” and encourage “acceptance, love, and respect” with drag queen Sam T to read a selection of books and sing songs.

Sam told the Herald Sun the cancellation of the event was a reminder that IDAHOBIT Day was crucial.

“To the wonderful supportive parents who had booked tickets months in advance, I am sorry,” she said

“The event was supposed to be celebrating international day against homophobia, biphobia, interphobia and transphobia.

“Another queer event being targeted and cancelled is a huge reminder as to why such days are crucially important.”

Sam said despite the “violence, hate, homophobia and transphobia being spewed”, there was always a place for people in the LGBTIQA+ community.

“We will always be here with an open heart. We aren’t going anywhere,” she said

“Queer people have had to fight this fight for years. Please remember, in the end, love will always triumph.”

European Australia Movement leader Thomas Sewell. Picture: Luis Enrique Ascui
European Australia Movement leader Thomas Sewell. Picture: Luis Enrique Ascui

The cancellation comes after neo-Nazi group leader Thomas Sewell said he would crash the event with his far right-wing followers, wrongly claiming drag queens were “paedophile groomers”.

“I was planning on giving this one a miss and letting the conservatives step up and deal with this issue, so we can move on to our next pressing task,” he said on social media.

“But if the conservatives won’t hold the flanks of our spearhead, I’ll bring as many Nazis as possible and reinforce to the public that paedophile groomers must be destroyed, they must be challenged, they cannot be allowed to sexualise children.

“I look forward to seeing how many traitors Victoria Police can muster to defend a state mandated paedophile event on May 19.”

Premier Daniel Andrews slammed protesters, calling their behaviour “ugly, “appalling” and “shameful”.

“My message to those people are very clear, if you want to behave like the worst elements of the Floridian Republican Party, well get to Florida, head over there where your hateful views might be worth something.

“They’re worth nothing here, we won’t stand for this sort of ugly behaviour, it’s appalling.

“It’s not about free speech, this is hate speech, plain and simple.”

Just last week, City of Monash mayor Tina Samardzija was forced to temporarily suspend a council meeting after angry protesters clashed over the event.

A large group of protesters in support of the drag storytime came face-to-face with their opponents, separated by about a dozen police officers in the foyer of the council building.

They hurled abuse at each other as two councillors were given a police escort from the building.

Sam said she had also been the subject of “revolting” slurs and death threats.

“I understand the difference between a club performance, a hens party or in this case, reading to children on a day that is supposed to be celebrating love and acceptance,” she said.

“Nothing about me reading a book to children is subversive or overtly sexual.

“It was sold out months in advance where the families knew what they were attending.

“My only agenda as a performer is to entertain people. Drag is my full time career after graduating with a Bachelor of Music Theatre and I will continue to entertain all audiences.”

A Victoria Police spokeswoman said the decision to scrap the event was made by council after a risk assessment was conducted.

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