
Near-extinct plains wanderer bird seen for the first time in more than a year

A BIRD on the brink of extinction has been found in Victoria, with signs there are more spottings to come after the rare creature went unsighted for more than a year.

The plains wanderer is Australia’s rarest bird and was recently found again after more than a year between sightings.
The plains wanderer is Australia’s rarest bird and was recently found again after more than a year between sightings.

A BIRD on the brink of extinction has been found in Victoria, with signs there are more to come.

The Plains Wanderer had not been seen for more than a year in its usual home among the native grasslands of north-central Victoria, but two males were spotted two weeks ago, according to Parks Victoria science manger Mark Antos.




“A recent ranking based on evolutionary uniqueness and level of threat listed this bird as number one in Australia and globally it is the fourth most endangered,” Mr Antos said.

“It’s such a unique and rare bird that we feel it warrants extra effort to protect it.”

A newly-hatched plains wanderer chick that was bred at Taronga Zoo.
A newly-hatched plains wanderer chick that was bred at Taronga Zoo.

The recent sighting was not only of two males but a nest containing four eggs was also found, suggesting there is also at least one female and there should soon be seven Plains Wanderers in Terrick Terrick National Park, 80km north of Bendigo.

The bird, which is about the size of a starling, has several interesting features. It is endemic to Australia so it is not found anywhere else.

The males tend the nest rather than the females and the females are the more colourful, where it is usually the male birds who have the most spectacular plumage.

“It’s a very unique and ancient bird species that has been around in isolation in Australia for millions of years,” he said.

“It’s the only member of an entire family of birds so there aren’t any other forms of this species.

“We’ve been getting worried about it because we haven’t seen it for over 12 months.

The small bird is the size of a starling.
The small bird is the size of a starling.

“Now we’re filled with confidence that we are managing the habitat correctly for this species.”

Melbourne and Tooronga Zoos have also been involved with the bird’s protection as part of a national conservation program.

It’s two main habitats are in northern Victoria and in the New South Wales Riverina but it has sometimes been seen in southwest Queensland, northeast South Australia and even in west of Werribee.

They have a fussy habitat, requiring native grassland that is not too dense, as can happen during a wet season, or not too sparse, as can happen during drought.

Parks Victoria brought sheep into Terrick Terrick to graze, ensuring the grass was at a perfect thickness for the birds.

“If their conditions are right, they can breed several times in a season so there may even be more to come this spring through to summer,” he said.

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