
MPs banned from parliament for withholding jab details

Four Victorian MPs have been suspended from attending parliament for refusing to reveal their Covid vaccination details.

Vaccinations mandatory for frontline workers in NT

Four Victorian MPs have been officially suspended from attending parliament next week after they refused to hand over their vaccination details under an authorised worker mandate.

Outspoken Liberal Democrat MP David Limbrick told the Herald Sun he received official notification on Monday that he could not physically attend parliament next week.

He will be sidelined alongside Liberal Democrat colleague Tim Quilty and independent MP Catherine Cumming and another upper house MP, whose identity is not yet known.

The ban will remain in place until they agree to provide their medical details or until the second parliament sitting day of the new year.

It comes after Mr Limbrick failed in his last-ditch bid to amend a controversial motion in the upper house last Thursday.

David Limbrick will be sidelined. Picture: Ian Currie
David Limbrick will be sidelined. Picture: Ian Currie
Tim Quilty will also be banned from parliament.
Tim Quilty will also be banned from parliament.

Mr Limbrick’s amendment, which would instead allow MPs and parliamentary staff to enter parliament with a rapid antigen test, was unsuccessful.

The government’s motion – dubbed by Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes as “relatively uncontroversial” at the time – passed 31 votes to 4.

Mr Limbrick on Monday said the community response had been largely positive.

“I just hope the government changes its mind on this because what we’re seeing in parliament is a microcosm of what’s happening across the state,” he said.

“I think this is setting a really dangerous precedent.

“What other medical exemptions are they going to expect people to hand over to be an elected representative?

“Stopping parliamentarians from entering doesn’t make parliament a safer place. I don’t think this is about creating a safer workplace at all.”

Mr Limbrick, Mr Quilty and Ms Cumming will still be able to participate remotely in parliament, but they will not be able to vote on key legislation as that must be done in person.

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