
Millennials drinking less alcohol when they socialise compared to older generation

IF excessive drinking used to be a badge of honour, it is a cause for shame among young people now, who no longer regard binging as “cool” and are leaning towards healthier lifestyles.

Matthew Hughes, Rachel Cox and Harry McGregor are among millennials who are consuming fewer drinks in a social environment. Picture: Tony Gough
Matthew Hughes, Rachel Cox and Harry McGregor are among millennials who are consuming fewer drinks in a social environment. Picture: Tony Gough

IF excessive drinking used to be a badge of honour, it is now more a cause for shame among young people, research shows.

A 10-year study commissioned by Drink Wise found 24 per cent of people were drinking to excess 10 years ago but now, only 16 per cent believe they drink excessively.

Drink Wise ambassador and emergency doctor Andrew Rochford said the messages were finally getting through.

“It’s always been difficult to tackle the huge drinking culture in Australia but people are definitely reporting they’re moving towards a more healthy relationship with alcohol,” Dr Rochford said.

“It’s really no longer regarded as cool because there is a greater shift towards pursuing a healthy lifestyle among young people, in particular. They’re more conscious and thoughtful about their choices.”



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The research also found 20 per cent of Australians abstain from alcohol entirely, compared with only 11 per cent in 2007. Where and what we are drinking has changed, with 63 per cent of people choosing to drink at home with a meal or barbecue instead of going out.

Matthew Hughes, 29, of Kensington, said his priorities had changed as he built a ­career, and weekends were a chance to enjoy the outdoors.

“I don’t want to wake up on a Sunday morning on a lounge feeling sorry for myself and unhealthy,” Mr Hughes said.

“I want to wake up during the week feeling fresh, so I only ever have a couple of drinks and on the weekend I’m in the gym or out running. As I see my friends less because I’m building my career, I want to maximise the times I have with them by talking and enjoying their company.”

Younger people now prefer to indulge in a healthy treat, instead of alcohol. Picture: Rebecca Michael
Younger people now prefer to indulge in a healthy treat, instead of alcohol. Picture: Rebecca Michael

For Rachel Cox, 24, of ­Toorak, her social life is about attending yoga and pilates classes with friends, followed by a healthy breakfast.

“I love my healthy, active lifestyle and maximising the days when I’m away from work, so I’ll only ever have one or two glasses of wine at a wine bar or a friend’s house,” Ms Cox said. “That way, I enjoy times with my friends and remember them.”

Dr Rochford said ultimately, if fewer people were drinking too much, attitudes must be changing for the better.

The long-term risks of excessive drinking included liver disease and dementia, while acute risks included injury, assault and vehicle accidents.

“We have to remember kids absorb our drinking habits so how you behave with it will have an impact on how kids relate to it later in life,” he said.

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