

Mick Gatto joins $8m high-stakes corporate dispute

A well known businessman has handed control of his company to gangland figure and heavyweight negotiator Mick Gatto in an attempt to recover a $8 million “debt” he says is owed to him.

Mick Gatto has joined a fight over a $8 million debt. Picture: Michael Klein
Mick Gatto has joined a fight over a $8 million debt. Picture: Michael Klein

Heavyweight negotiator Mick Gatto has been called in to collect more than $8 million in a high-stakes corporate dispute.

Businessman Greg Burke has handed control of his company, KRG Technologies, to Mr Gatto’s firm Gatto Corp in an attempt to recover money he says is owed to him.

Mr Burke is in conflict with New South Wales-based Australian Drilling Systems, a firm that carries out work for major industry players, ­including resource giant Whitehaven.

Mr Gatto, John Khoury and Gatto Corp general manager Anthony Swords recently travelled to Muswellbrook in the Hunter Valley to meet with a director of Australian Drilling Systems, lawyer Michael Gant.

The Herald Sun has been told Mr Gant did not recognise Mr Gatto initially, until one of those in the room joked: “I guess they didn’t get Under­belly up here’’.

Gatto’s firm Gatto Corp has taken control of KRG Technologies. Picture: Alex Coppel.
Gatto’s firm Gatto Corp has taken control of KRG Technologies. Picture: Alex Coppel.

Mr Gant was told an $8 million debt was owed, to which he allegedly counter-offered to pay $1.2 million. That was rejected by the visitors.

When contacted by the Herald Sun, Mr Gant hung up when Mr Gatto’s name was raised. In a second call, he denied being involved in business with Mr Burke and laughed off owing $8 million.

“I think you’ve got your wires crossed,’’ Mr Gant said.

‘‘If Mr Burke wants to speak with me, he can speak with me.’’

Mr Gant and Australian Drilling Systems CEO Troy Vitnell were told last month they are now business partners with Mr Gatto’s crew.

Mr Burke, who is from the NSW town of Mudgee, engaged Gatto Corp in March, which has the motto: “If your business has a problem, our business has the solution.’’

He said he made no apologies for taking the step, which he said was a last resort after years of non-payment and legal obstruction by Australian Drilling Systems.

“I take blokes how they are,” Mr Burke said. “Mick’s been great with us … a champ­ion bloke.”

He said he had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to retrieve what was his.

Australian Drilling Systems has an annual turnover of $50 million.

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