
Melbourne neo-Nazi group seen as ‘ticking time bombs’

A neo-Nazi group seeking to destroy the government and impose a “white revolution” is operating in Melbourne and has been labelled a “ticking time bomb”.

Far-Right group the National Socialist Network has emerged in Melbourne this year. Picture: Twitter
Far-Right group the National Socialist Network has emerged in Melbourne this year. Picture: Twitter

A neo-Nazi group vowing to impose a “white revolution” and “destroy” the government is operating in Melbourne.

The National Socialist Network — whose followers have posed across the city wearing face masks and giving the Hitler salute — has been branded a “clear and present” danger to the community.

It’s understood the far-Right outfit emerged only this year.

Victoria Police would not comment about the group specifically, saying only that it was monitoring extremist activities.

The Sunday Herald Sun has learned NS Network’s followers are using encrypted messaging service Telegram to communicate and share hate-fuelled posts online.

Twitter images from National Socialist Network. Picture: Twitter
Twitter images from National Socialist Network. Picture: Twitter
Twitter images from National Socialist Network. Picture: Twitter
Twitter images from National Socialist Network. Picture: Twitter

They include threats to leave calling cards with the words “Australian white man” to any house displaying an Aboriginal or gay pride rainbow flag.

“We must put in the work now so that one day, we can take our land back from the scum that is occupying and destroying it,” reads one rant.

Another member posted: “What we seek is the complete changing of the trajectory of Australia. We don’t care in what way this is achieved. Power must be taken away from our enemies and put into our hands. What we seek is a revolution.”

Anti-Defamation Commission chairman Dr Dvir Abramovich said the group and those like it were a “ticking time bomb”.

“This group is a clear and present danger, and the worst thing we could do is to downplay the threat of deadly violence that such agitated and angry hardcore neo-Nazis pose,’’ Dr Abramovich said.

The National Socialist Network has been branded a ‘clear and present’ danger to the community. Picture: Twitter
The National Socialist Network has been branded a ‘clear and present’ danger to the community. Picture: Twitter

“The bottom line is that no one can rest easy while such homegrown extremists, domestic terrorists in waiting, are walking the streets of Melbourne, promising a racial war while recruiting like-minded bigots for their warped cause.”

The “poisonous messages” of far-Right extremism could have deadly consequences, as had been shown in the actions of Christchurch terrorist Brenton Tarrant. “Where white supremacists gather and communicate, physical assaults and murder are usually not far behind,’’ Dr Abramovich said.

“They dream of an Aryan Australia, without Jews, Muslims, Aboriginals, the disabled, immigrants, members of the LGBTQI community and anyone else they deem ‘inferior’.’’

A Victoria Police spokeswoman said the force was monitoring a range of groups to ensure there was no threat to public safety.

“Responding to these groups is part of what police do daily,’’ she said.

An ASIO spokesman said extreme Right-wing groups were an “evolving threat”.





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