
Magpie attack on Cranbourne postie as swooping season in full swing

EACH spring they strike fear into the hearts of outdoor-loving Australians. When a simple walk with the pram or a bike ride can end in a furious and terrifying flurry of feathers and beak.

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THEY’RE so diabolical even the Victorian government has a page dedicated to mapping their attacks.

Each spring magpies strike fear into the heart of outdoor-loving Australians, swooping the likes of pram-pushing mums, morning joggers and cyclists indiscriminately.

And if it feels like you’re being targeted by these flapping dive-bombers, research shows you’re not being paranoid. They really do have it in for you.

They get to know faces and will attack some, but not others.

While only about 10 per cent of magpies attack, that’s not very comforting if you happen to be on the hit list.

Such as this postie in Cranbourne, is Melbourne’s southeast, who is relentlessly pursued by marauding magpies in footage from one recent attack reported by 3AW’s Breakfast program.




They’re everywhere: Magpie attack map of Victoria. State Government
They’re everywhere: Magpie attack map of Victoria. State Government

The birds can be seen following the unlucky postie and swooping five times.

Last month a jogger, Therese, said she was left with blood dripping down her face after being attacked by a magpie on the Warburton Trail.

Wildlife Victoria recommends people carry umbrellas, or wear hats, helmets or sunglasses in known magpie swooping areas.

Some cyclists swear by cable ties sticking out of their helmets. Others say painting eyes on the back of the helmet or carrying a stick or umbrella above you when walking works.

Swooping magpie caught on GoPro
Utterly terrifying.
Utterly terrifying.
If you’re on their list, there’s nothing you can do but run.
If you’re on their list, there’s nothing you can do but run.
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The birds take aim at people to try and scare them away while protecting territory, nests or their young.

Only males attack during breeding season.

But often there’s no way for us to know where their nests are, until the ominous whoosh of an aggro bird or clunk of beak hitting helmet.

But recent magpie attacks can be reported and added to Victoria’s magpie swooping map to warn others.

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