
’Least responsible landlord’: Allan govt slammed for social housing failures

The Allan government has been accused of ignoring a “broken” social housing complaints system, as desperate tenants are forced to sleep in beds infested with mice and live in mould-ridden homes.

Social housing complaints to the Ombudsman have soared. Picture: David Crosling
Social housing complaints to the Ombudsman have soared. Picture: David Crosling

The The Victorian government has been accused of ignoring a “broken” social housing complaints system, with desperate tenants forced to sleep in beds infested with mice, resort to using a bucket as a toilet and live in mould-ridden homes.

Almost two years ago, outgoing Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass’ investigation into the “under-resourced” social housing complaint system called on the state government to make urgent changes that would streamline a renter’s ability to have their concerns heard.

On Wednesday, Ms Glass tabled a progress report which found the Allan government had taken “no clear action” to implement any of the seven recommendations, including to change the complaint model and make amendments to legislation.

“For more than a year and a half, the government failed to provide any response to the recommendations,” the report stated.

“Correspondence from the Ombudsman following this up went unanswered by the several ministers holding the housing portfolio over recent years.”

Ms Glass tabled a progress report which found the Allan government had taken ‘no clear action’ to implement any of the seven recommendations. Picture: Alex Coppel
Ms Glass tabled a progress report which found the Allan government had taken ‘no clear action’ to implement any of the seven recommendations. Picture: Alex Coppel

Only after receiving notification of the progress report did the government respond to say the recommendations are under consideration.

Since the first report was published, social housing complaints to the Ombudsman have risen by 83 per cent.

Ms Glass said the “systemic issues are not going away”.

“Change is now even more critical, as Victorians grapple with dual housing and cost-of-living crises, increasing homelessness and an evolving social housing landscape, including the looming redevelopment of public housing towers,” she said.

In one shocking case, a renter, Jasmine, aged in her 60s, was forced to wait more than 18 months to have bathroom leaks fixed.

During the repairs, a contractor removed her toilet but failed to provide a temporary replacement, which left the renter resorting to using a bucket in the backyard for several days.

The Department later said the renter should have been provided a portable toilet.

In another case, one renter was forced to wait weeks for the Department to arrange a pest controller to remove mice at her property.

The renter said she had been bitten by mice in her bed, and that there was “mouse sh*t through everything”.

Opposition housing spokesman Richard Riordan says the Allan government has cemented itself as the state’s ‘largest and least responsible landlord’. Picture: Brad Fleet
Opposition housing spokesman Richard Riordan says the Allan government has cemented itself as the state’s ‘largest and least responsible landlord’. Picture: Brad Fleet

Only after contacting the Ombudsman did the Department organise help for the renter.

Housing Minister Harriet Shing said Jasmine’s experience is “completely unacceptable and should never have happened”.

“I can only imagine her distress,” she said.

“Every Victorian in social housing deserves to live with dignity, safety, and security, and it’s absolutely clear that this has not been the case here.

“We are improving the processes by which complaints are raised, resourced, and addressed, and it is my expectation that this improvement will continue.”

A Department of Families, Fairness and Housing spokesman said the lack of engagement in Jasmine’s case was “unacceptable”.

“The Department has apologised to Jasmine for the contractor’s inaction and worked with the contractor to ensure her experience is not repeated,” he said.

Opposition housing spokesman Richard Riordan said the Allan government had cemented itself as the state’s “largest and least responsible landlord”.

“Homeless and vulnerable Victorians under Labor’s big housing fail are waiting twice as long for a home, and are being forced to go to media and opposition MP’s to get even the most simple maintenance done,” he said.

Ms Glass said the Department and the Housing Registrar had addressed most of the recommendations made to them, but called on the government to fulfil theirs.

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