

Leaked recording reveals fire chief seeing red

In an explosive recording the Fire Rescue Victoria boss unleashed on top brass about the tension and hidden agendas rife within the service. LISTEN HERE.

Fire rescue commissioner Ken Block talks with FRV leaders

Fire boss Ken Block has been caught on tape warning his top chiefs to shape up or ship out amid dissatisfaction with aspects of his organisation.

In an explosive recording obtained by the Saturday Herald Sun, the Fire Rescue Victoria commissioner admits the service is not working as a team, needs to get better and is “wanting” as an organisation.

The covert 45-minute recording was leaked after Mr Block called a meeting of about 200 senior officials to vent his frustration about the service he took over on July 1.

Fire Rescue Victoria merged the old MFB and CFA in a controversial reform that angered many long-serving firefighters.

On the recording a frustrated Mr Block said he inherited a service “fraught with tension, mistrust, and people protecting their own turf” and said after eight months that the new service was still not running smoothly.

“That level of collaboration on the surface appeared to be there, but I’m here to tell you it really wasn’t,” he said. “It didn’t translate into a seamless launch of Fire Rescue Victoria. Sadly with that lack of co-operation, we certainly did not hit July 1 firing on all cylinders.”

Mr Block said he feared some officers had since “lost the plot” and were more interested in protecting their careers than serving the community.

“We have to work together as a team, we can’t be out there as individuals or as small splinter groups,” he said. “It’s time if you’re on the team, you’re on the team. It’s time we moved forward together.

“It’s time to be accountable. I have been very patient. My team has been very patient. It’s time that we start to exercise some accountability.”

Mr Block challenged the senior brass of the service to reflect on their positions and “step out” if they didn’t think they were up to the job.

“What I’m saying is if somehow you’re not willing to step up and fulfil your role, you’re going to be pulled up. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.”

In a damning assessment of the organisation Mr Block said it was far below a world best service. “There’s lots of room here to get better at what we do. We need to start to work together as a team. We need to somehow refocus,” he said.

“How we stack up against the best departments internationally relates more around our ability — our capacity — to respond to the risk in our state than anything else.

“I have got to tell you, we’re wanting. There is so much opportunity for us to get better.”

Mr Block also revealed in the recording that he had urged the state government to pump more money into the service or risk the safety of vulnerable Victorian communities.

Mr Block also praises the work of the United Firefighters Union and union boss Peter Marshall in the recording.

Mr Block declined to comment on the tape.

An FRV spokeswoman said the organisation had delivered an improved level of service to the Victorian community.

“The commissioner shared his observations after seven months of operations under FRV, and outlined opportunities for improvement,” she said.

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