
Labor fuming over branch stacking audit

Senior Labor figures across the state were left seething after receiving a letter from lawyers demanding they hand over records of every meeting held over the last two years.

Steve Bracks is running the audit into Labour branch stacking in Victoria. Picture : David Geraghty
Steve Bracks is running the audit into Labour branch stacking in Victoria. Picture : David Geraghty

Labor branches across Victoria are reeling after an unprecedented audit into the party demanded they hand over records of every meeting held over the last two years.

Senior figures across the state were left seething after receiving a letter from lawyers representing former Premier Steve Bracks and former federal Minister Jenny Macklin requesting the documents as they audit claims of industrial-scale branch stacking.

The letter, sent to hundreds of branches, also sparked further tensions by reminding Labor members about ongoing IBAC and Ombudsman investigations and the penalties for destroying evidence.

It comes in the wake of a secret tapes scandal centred around Adem Somyurek which led to his expulsion from the party and the resignation of two other Andrews Government ministers.

Former chief of staff to then Prime Minister Julia Gillard, Ben Hubbard, is also believed to be involved in the process.

Jenny Macklin is heading up the audit with Bracks. Picture: Kym Smith
Jenny Macklin is heading up the audit with Bracks. Picture: Kym Smith

Enraged party figures, agitated by the tone of the letter, were on Saturday night questioning the audit, raising concerns about the use of party money on lawyers and flagging the potential for their own legal action.

“We confirm it is a criminal offence to deliberately destroy documents which may be reasonably likely to be relevant to this joint investigation,” the letter from law firm Holding Redlich reads.

The fallout from the unprecedented request was followed by another message from acting state secretary Chris Ford urging for calm among members.

“I understand that there has been some concern and angst regarding the tone of the letter,

its content and the requests have been made of you,” Mr Ford said.

“I can assure you that I and the team that I lead at head office are making every effort to ensure that we come through this difficult time together, more united and stronger.”

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