
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it a cyber-futuristic autonomous speed camera in a Croydon bike lane?

A futuristic-looking device has appeared in a Croydon bike lane, with many pointing out its likeness to the Tesla Cybertruck.

A bizarre, futuristic-looking device has appeared in suburban Croydon, leaving many locals puzzled as to its arrival and location. Picture: Reddit
A bizarre, futuristic-looking device has appeared in suburban Croydon, leaving many locals puzzled as to its arrival and location. Picture: Reddit

A bizarre, futuristic-looking device has appeared in suburban Croydon, leaving many locals puzzled as to its arrival and location.

Appearing to be dropped in the middle of a bike lane, the clunky object is apparently an autonomous speed camera.

Some have pointed out its geometric shape and bland colour are vaguely reminiscent of the Tesla Cybertruck, an eye-wateringly expensive car beginning at about $80,000 USD.

Some questioned its purpose, probing whether it was a form of AI, while others immediately pointed out the likelihood it would be vandalised.

Locals are not entirely sure what it is or why it has been positioned as such. Picture: Reddit
Locals are not entirely sure what it is or why it has been positioned as such. Picture: Reddit

“That is just begging to be vandalised,” one person wrote.

“Is this so they don’t have to pay people to sit in the speed trap cars, under the guise of protecting them from abuse?”

“That thing is asking to be graffitied,” another person commented with a laughing emoji.

Many are concerned about cyclist safety. Picture: Reddit
Many are concerned about cyclist safety. Picture: Reddit

Others, however, did not see the funny side and raised genuine concerns over cyclist safety.

“This is a f***ing joke. I’m sick of this bullsh**t lazy traffic engineering,” one user wrote.

“How does this provide a safer outcome for road users? It’s pushing cyclists into a vehicle lane on a 70km/h road.

“Promoting road safety by forcing cyclists into traffic. Someone needs a sacking over that.

“Clearly shows the priority was to make money and not road safety.”

It is not yet confirmed what the weirdly shaped object is.

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