
Former Liberal MP resigns after appointment of candidate Moira Deeming

A former Liberal MP who served in Victorian parliament has resigned from the party after the appointment of controversial candidate Moira Deeming.

Andrew Elsbury resigned from the Liberal Party.
Andrew Elsbury resigned from the Liberal Party.

A former Liberal MP who served in Victorian parliament has resigned from the Party over “backroom deals” that led to the appointment of controversial candidate Moira Deeming.

Andrew Elsbury was elected in the upper house between 2010 and 2014, and served in the western metropolitan district alongside recently expelled Liberal MP Bernie Finn.

Mr Finn was booted from the party earlier this year for disobedience and offensive social media posts.

His vacated spot for preselection in the Liberal Party was secured by Ms Deeming, a Melton City councillor.

Ms Deeming, who is a friend of Mr Finn, has this week come under intense scrutiny for her ultra right-wing views on topics such as abortion and trans rights.

Writing in a Christian News online forum last year, Ms Deeming said abortion is a “terrible evil” which “promises us with shiny human rights posters that we deserve to keep using sex selfishly and without consequence”.

Moira Deeming will replace controversial MP Bernie Finn. Picture: Sarah Matray
Moira Deeming will replace controversial MP Bernie Finn. Picture: Sarah Matray

Mr Elsbury on Thursday took to social media to confirm he had resigned from the Liberal Party.

It follows intense internal angst within the party about Ms Deeming’s preselection.

Mr Elsbury said his resignation was a “long time coming” because the organisation had become “so rife with backroom deals at the expense of committed people who have worked for the party”.

“The resultant preselection this weekend past has concluded with a candidate Bernie anointed as his successor,” he wrote of Ms Deeming being preselected.

“In effect a member of the DLP (Democratic Labour Party – which Mr Finn now represents) had more say on the selection of a Liberal candidate than I did. As such I see no value in my membership.

“I wish my friend Matthew Guy and his team all the very best in offering an alternative to Dan Andrews for the people of Victoria.”

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