
FOI documents reveal the uninspiring work culture at City of Melbourne

An employee experience “pulse check” survey has exposed the City of Melbourne’s workplace culture and revealed many staff are feeling uninspired by their bosses.

Melbourne Lord Mayor Sally Capp not standing for re-election (Sunrise)

Only half the staff at the City of Melbourne are inspired by the “vision” presented to them by their bosses at Town Hall, while only a third believe the processes in place support them to get their “work done”, it has been revealed.

The results of an employee experience “pulse check” survey, obtained by the Herald Sun through Freedom of Information laws, have laid bare the workplace culture at the City of Melbourne.

Only half the staff at the City of Melbourne are inspired by the “vision” presented to them by their bosses at Town Hall. Picture: NCA NewsWire
Only half the staff at the City of Melbourne are inspired by the “vision” presented to them by their bosses at Town Hall. Picture: NCA NewsWire

More than 64 per cent of staff completed the survey – 1300 out of 1900 employees – in September last year, up from a lowly 49 per cent the previous survey.

Of the employees that completed the survey only:

34 per cent say most of the systems and processes “support us getting our work done effectively”;

52 per cent say the executive leadership team, which includes chief executive Alison Leighton, has “communicated a vision that motivates me”; and

60 per cent say the management leadership team “keep people informed about what is happening”.

City of Melbourne chief executive Alison Leighton says the organisation has a ‘clear and strong vision’. Picture: Nicole Garmston
City of Melbourne chief executive Alison Leighton says the organisation has a ‘clear and strong vision’. Picture: Nicole Garmston

These scores, marked as the three lowest, were presented in the results as the “key areas with opportunities to improve overall”.

Multiple sources last year told the Herald Sun that the survey had showed that the number of staff that believed in the vision from the executive leadership team had dropped significantly.

In a statement, City of Melbourne chief executive Alison Leighton said the organisation has a “clear and strong vision to deliver the best possible services for our growing community”.

“I am so proud of the work we’re doing to strengthen and enhance our team culture,” she said.

“In less than a year, we saw the number of employees recommending the City of Melbourne as a great place to work grow, while the vast majority of employees confirmed their leaders actively motivate and support them to achieve excellence.

“We’re making great progress towards implementing better systems, improving efficiency and making it easier for staff to do their jobs and stay informed by the leadership team.”

Nicholas Reece will take over for four months when Sally Capp steps down as Lord Mayor. Picture: Jason Edwards
Nicholas Reece will take over for four months when Sally Capp steps down as Lord Mayor. Picture: Jason Edwards

According to the highest scores, 80 per cent of staff say they know what they need to do to be successful in their role and 77 per cent say their leader motivates and supports them to achieve excellence in their work.

The results were communicated to staff in November last year as insiders claimed the workplace culture at the City of Melbourne was becoming increasingly toxic.

“If you disagree with something or raise issues with a policy or project, your career prospects at the City of Melbourne diminish incredibly quickly,” one senior Town Hall source told the Herald Sun last year.

“The only acceptable form of thinking at the City of Melbourne is group think.”

Half a dozen senior executives left their roles in the organisation late last year or announced they would depart in the New Year.

Lord Mayor Sally Capp will step down in June after six years in the job and hand over her mayoral robes to Deputy Lord Mayor Nicholas Reece.

This means Mr Reece, who is expected to declare his candidature for Lord Mayor, will take over in the four months before the local council election.

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