
Developer John Woodman called councillor ‘fatso’, secret recording reveals in IBAC hearing

Multi-millionaire developer John Woodman and former Casey mayor discussed Geoff Ablett the idea of “a few heavy guys” beating up a rival councillor, secret phone recordings reveal. LISTEN HERE.

Covert recordings of phone conversations between John Woodman and his associates

A multi-millionaire developer and a former Casey mayor discussed the idea of “a few heavy guys” beating up a rival councillor, secret phone recordings reveal.

Cr Geoff Ablett told developer John Woodman in ­November last year that he was so annoyed at “cocky” councillor Gary Rowe that he had considered giving him “a bloody knock around”.

The two councillors had previously clashed over the proposed rezoning of land in Cranbourne West — one of the projects being probed by anti-corruption investigators.

It comes as Labor MP Pauline Richards — who received extra donations from Mr Woodman after supporting the rezoning — said she had never made representations on his behalf.

In the recording, Cr Ablett said: “I know a few heavy guys, too.”

“It’s crossed my mind to give him a bloody knock around because I think that he needs to be sat on his arse to realise if you’re going to do these things there are going to be certain consequences,” he said.

Mr Woodman responded “f----n’ oath, mate”.

“I haven’t investigated it, but … I’ve certainly got the people who’d be able to do something,” he said.

The audio was among a string of covert phone recordings played in public hearings on Monday as the state’s anti-corruption watchdog probes allegations of planning-­related corruption at Casey Council.


IBAC also head that MrWoodman’s developer son, Heath, boasted about a “great” meeting with Treasurer Tim Pallas, where they discussed a new estate in Donnybrook

In the intercepted phone call, Mr Woodman’s son, Heath, told his father about the “positive” meeting.

“Oh, extremely positive on two fronts with Donnybrook,” Heath Woodman said.

“Nah, couldn’t have been any more positive.

The younger Woodman is also a developer and linked to property firm, Wolfdene.

The firm has been linked to allegations of planning-related corruption at City of Casey.

It is understood that Wolfdene was involved in a new estate development at Donnybrook, in Melbourne’s north.

Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas met with the son of developer John Woodman, an IBAC hearing has heard. Picture: AAP Image/Erik Anderson
Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas met with the son of developer John Woodman, an IBAC hearing has heard. Picture: AAP Image/Erik Anderson

After the recording was played, Mr Woodman told the commission that “various matters” were discussed in meetings with ministers.

“The Labor Party conduct, I’m not sure of the exact terminology, an opportunity for business people in 15 minute intervals to meet with ministers in the Labor Party to discuss any issues they may have at any one time,” he said.

Mr Woodman said he did not pay to go to such meetings but that “it’s part of an annual fee”.

“It’s part of an annual fee that is paid to the Labor Party, and the Liberal Party for that matter run a similar system,” he said.

“It is to connect basically to the business world so the Labor Party or the Liberal Party understand the issues the business world have.”

The Woodmans later discussed an allegedly strained relationship between Mr Pallas, Child Protection Minister Luke Donnellan and Planning Minister Richard Wynne.

“I mean look between you and me (Tim) Pallas, and I’m sure Luke (Donnellan) is the same, haven’t got any time for Dick,” John Woodman said.

Heath responded that “they can’t stand him”.

Child protection minister Luke Donellan.
Child protection minister Luke Donellan.
Planning minister Richard Wynne.
Planning minister Richard Wynne.

The developer also quadrupled his campaign donation to Ms Richards so the party would continue its support of a major development in Melbourne’s southeast, an anti-corruption hearing has been told.

Mr Woodman initially splashed $5000 on the new Cranbourne MP’s campaign but later jacked it up to $20,000.

He said he did so after the Labor Party suggested he “should consider increasing the donation”.

Ms Richards told reporters outside parliament on Tuesday morning that all donations to her campaign had been “acquitted and declared”.

“I have made no representations on behalf of Mr Woodman, Watsons nor any of his business interests,” she said.

The new Cranbourne MP said she had met Mr Woodman on three occasions prior to her election last year.

They held “very cursory discussions” at two large fundraisers attended by several hundred people — although Ms Richards would not say who organised the fundraisers, and for whom money was being raised.

She said she also had a “short meeting” with Mr Woodman in March last year, which was organised after she received a call from Labor-aligned lobbyist Phil Staindl.

Ms Richards said the increased donations were “never contingent on my support for anything”, but she repeatedly dodged further questions, saying that “the inquiry needs to do the work it’s doing”.

Quizzed by council assisting, Michael Tovey QC, on whether he “upped the ante” because Ms Richards pledged to support a Cranbourne West development, Mr Woodman said: “Yes, definitely, sir. Amongst other things, sir.”

Mr Woodman had lobbied in favour of the C219 precinct plan to rezone a chunk of industrial or employment land in Cranbourne West as residential.

“I can’t recall the exact reason (for increasing the donation) but there is no question that my enthusiasm to have C219 approved, there is no question that I may have increased the contribution,” Mr Woodman said.

“It is difficult for me to say from where I am sitting now two years later.”

Mr Woodman also told IBAC that, prior to the last election, local Labor MPs had “indicated” that the development would be approved.

“It was my keenness to continue with that support,” he said, before adding that Ms Richards “indicated to me that she understood me”.

“I don’t believe we went into projects, although she knew about C219.”

A string of MPs have been embroiled in the Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption Commission’s probe, with revelations last week that Mr Woodman also donated to campaigns for then-Attorney-General Martin Pakula and retired MP Jude Perera.

IBAC is investigating allegations of planning-related corruption at the City of Casey in Melbourne’s southeast.

Developer John Woodman. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
Developer John Woodman. Picture: Jake Nowakowski


Ferrari-driving developer John Woodman has been painted as a “kingmaker” of City of Casey’s mayoral race, as it is revealed that he described one councillor “fatso” and another as “on the nose”.

An anti-corruption hearing was this morning played a covert recording of an October 2018 phone call between Woodman and consultant Megan Schutz, in which these discuss who will next be elected mayor.

Mr Woodman said that then mayor Geoff Ablett was “on the nose big-time” and “on the way out”.

Cr Ablett is alleged to have received $330,000 from Mr Woodman or his associated entities.

“He’s been going around telling people that unless they play ball one of their number one supporters is going to withdraw all support from them,” Mr Woodman said in the call.

He later added: “it’s outrageous as you and I have said – outrageous what he’s been trying to do.”

Amanda Stapledon was dubbed “fatso” by developer John Woodman — but he considered her a friend.
Amanda Stapledon was dubbed “fatso” by developer John Woodman — but he considered her a friend.

Mr Woodman told Ms Schutz that he had met with councillor Amanda Stapledon, who he dubbed “fatso”, and discussed his support of her mayoral bid.

“I told (Geoff Ablett) yesterday that I was far too busy to talk to anyone about anything so he doesn’t know I’ve had a lengthy discussion with fatso and we’re going to keep it that way,” he said.

“He’s obviously on the nose big time and he’s on the way out …”

Ms Schutz is later heard saying that “Fat-Mandy is the next mayor”.

Counsel assisting the commission Michael Tovey grilled Mr Woodman on whether he was a mayoral kingmaker.

“I don’t believe that I am the kingmaker,” Mr Woodman said.

Earlier in the hearing, Mr Woodman confirmed he met with Cr Stapledon at an East Malvern restaurant to discuss her wish to become mayor.

Despite having called her “fatso”, Mr Woodman said that he considered Cr Stapledon a friend.

John Charles Woodman faces his fifth day of questioning. Picture: Supplied
John Charles Woodman faces his fifth day of questioning. Picture: Supplied




He also revealed that his company, Watsons Pty Ltd, had bankrolled after-hours mental health care for her son.

He said the company was invoiced for the care of three or four people at Blairlogie disability service for “at least three months”.

“I had looked after her or attempted to give her some assistance with her son who was mentally unwell,” Mr Woodman said.

Cr Stapledon was elected Casey mayor in late October, less than a fortnight after Mr Woodman’s call with Ms Schutz.

The developer, who today faces his fifth day of questioning before the anti-corruption public hearings, also confirmed he gave $40,000 to Cr Stapledon’s bid to be elected to state parliament.

IBAC is probing allegations of planning-related corruption at the Casey council.


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