
Canine pair’s cannabis bender after park visit

Canine buds Mack and Viola aren’t your usual stoner types, but that didn’t stop these two hoochy pooches from channelling Snoop Dogg and becoming accidental stoners during an eventful trip to the park.

Mack and Viola the dogs became accidental stoners. Picture: David Caird
Mack and Viola the dogs became accidental stoners. Picture: David Caird

Two Melbourne pooches channelled Snoop Dogg when they became accidental stoners.

Canine buds Mack (a red heeler pointer) and Viola (a kelpie bull Arab cross) spent Sunday morning at GJ Hosken Reserve in Altona North.

Returning home from the park, Mack’s owner Claire Sutherland said her pooch took a chronic turn.

Gabriele D'Angelo with Viola and Claire Sutherland with Mack at the park. Picture: David Caird
Gabriele D'Angelo with Viola and Claire Sutherland with Mack at the park. Picture: David Caird

“He was acting weird, he was just staring at us in a glassy eyed sort of way,” Ms Sutherland said. “He lost control of his back legs, he was drooling, he was flinching when we put our hand near him, he was trembling.”

A vet diagnosed the symptoms as a slipped disc and gave Mack a dose of morphine.

However, Viola’s owner Gabriele D’Angelo then called Sutherland to alert her that his dog had the exact same symptoms.

Ms Sutherland rang Ross Ansell, a vet friend, who said both dogs could not have simultaneous slipped discs and suggested poisoning was more likely.

At an emergency veterinary clinic, staff made a horrible discovery when the blazed dogs’ stomachs were pumped. 

Mack and Viola s had eaten human poo at the park laced with marijuana and they were stoned. Picture: David Caird
Mack and Viola s had eaten human poo at the park laced with marijuana and they were stoned. Picture: David Caird
Mack and Viola are on the mend now. Picture: David Caird
Mack and Viola are on the mend now. Picture: David Caird

Mack and Viola had both consumed human waste that contained marijuana.

Mr Ansell said the level of intoxication suggested the rogue defecator had consumed edible cannabis, such as a hash cookie.

“I’m surprised this guy was still vertical, he’d consumed enough to put two large mammals in hospital, he must have been cooked,” Ansell said.

Mr Ansell said the drug could lead to serious problems if consumed by dogs.

The pair have now dubbed Cheech and Chong by their owners.
The pair have now dubbed Cheech and Chong by their owners.

“It can cause a coma, it can lead to death if they have enough, it really knocks them around. It’s a neurological toxin, so it can have a spectacular medical effect on the nervous system,” he said.

Ms Sutherland admitted Mack had the munchies after returning from the vet.

“Between the morphine and marijuana he would have had to be the most stoned individual in Melbourne,” she said.

“He also seemed very anxious for the entire night but in hindsight it was probably paranoia kicking in. You worry about your kids getting mixed up in drugs, but you don’t imagine your dogs will get stoned.”

The pair, now dubbed Cheech and Chong by their owners, have made a full recovery.

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