
Backroom Baz: Kennett goes quiet after Liberal Party takeover bid

Jeff Kennett’s bid for Liberal Party supremacy has gone quiet. Is it because not everyone got the memo about a bloodless coup? Backroom Baz spills on Spring St.

Backroom Baz hears Spring St might need a bonk ban.
Backroom Baz hears Spring St might need a bonk ban.

The hype around Jeff Kennett’s plan to take over the presidency of the Liberal Party has certainly died down. Baz was told it was a done deal.

Seems it was, but not all parties were in on it.

Namely, current president Robert Clark who has made it clear he won’t simply step aside for King Kennett.

The pair met last week with hopes in the Kennett camp that it would seal a deal. Not so. Instead spies say Jeff left thinking it might take a fight to take the top job.

And Baz is told he’s not interested in war. It will be either a peaceful transfer of power, or nothing.

Either way, time will tell.

Victoria Liberal Party president Robert Clark didn’t get the memo about Jeff Kennett’s takeover bid.
Victoria Liberal Party president Robert Clark didn’t get the memo about Jeff Kennett’s takeover bid.


Baz loves a rumour. The more scurrilous the better. Like the recent murmurings from Labor folk that there might need to be a bonk ban at Victoria’s Parliament House. Now, Baz is sure these things have a fair dose of mayonnaise splashed on top. But there has now been not one but two tales of forbidden lust romp through the halls of Spring Street. This includes that one staff member was the lucky owner of a key to an MP’s apartment, and that two former colleagues with a decent age discrepancy had recently shacked up. Rumours are just that, of course, but Baz has been around the block enough times to know where there is smoke in political circles there tends to be a bushfire approaching.


It was all quiet on the COVID front, then Brisbane happened. Borders slammed shut, green zones turned red, traveller tantrums and holidays scrapped. Amid the chaos Baz is told there was a mad scramble inside the offices of the Department of Health to boost the troops. It was just a week or so ago that dozens of casual staff were told they weren’t needed anymore. But the Queensland drama saw sheepish managers hit the phones to try and woo them back. It’s not over yet, guys.


The Greens-run Yarra City Council have been getting noses out of joint of late.

First it was the flying of the Aromantic flag – in support of those who don’t feel romance – then widespread community was sparked by a move to impose a massive fee hike for sporting clubs that threatened to cripple grassroots groups.

It seems even some Greens themselves have left irate by Yarra’s antics.

Sources close to Baz say those in and around the office of Federal Green MP Adam Bandt have been left embarrassed by their little cousins and have been desperately trying to reign them in.

Given the track record, Baz reckons that’s going to be a tough gig.

Greens leader Adam Bandt might not be seeing eye-to-eye with his mates at the Yarra City Council.
Greens leader Adam Bandt might not be seeing eye-to-eye with his mates at the Yarra City Council.


Cheers could be heard from the offices of some public sector workers this week. While thousands were last week told the must return to their offices at least three days a week, court workers were learnt they need not adhere to the new edict. Instead they’ll have more time to work out the best flexible working arrangements for them. Why? Well, given the courts operate independently from executive government, it was realised they couldn’t technically be directed as public sector employees. Nice little loop hole.


A report about sexual harassment in the Victorian parliament, featured in last week’s edition of this paper, certainly set the cat among the pigeons. Poor old Baz could barely keep up. First there was the one about the political staffer subject to formal complaints about their “aggressive and obscene behaviour”. Then the one about the former staff who was accused of routinely berating and attacking others around parliament. He left before facing any consequences. Then there was the one about the “toxic culture” inside one of the government’s most senior offices, where even “ministers are pushed out of decision making.” Stories of bullies, sudden sacking and a “despotic way” of running things. Watch this space.


Which Liberal MP has been publicly lamenting the recent failed leadership spill as the “pavlova that fell over”?


“I really miss our national conference. It’s like a big family getting together for Christmas. There’s some people you don’t want to get stuck sitting next to, for sure.”

Federal MP Tanya Plibersek on the joys of party get-togethers.


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