
Backroom Baz: Former Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett wins support for slashing state funerals

A suggestion by former Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett to do away with most state funerals is quietly gaining support among Jactina Allan’s government, Backroom Baz can reveal

Former Premier Jeff Kennett says we should slash the number of state funerals.
Former Premier Jeff Kennett says we should slash the number of state funerals.

Former Premier Jeff Kennett said this week he would happily do away with state funerals for former governors, cabinet ministers and sportspeople. No mention of former premiers, mind you. But Baz can confirm the idea has some backroom bipartisan support.

Well placed sources inside the current premier’s department say pen-pushers under their former boss, Daniel Andrews, had become concerned about the high number of state memorials Victoria was bestowing upon the recently departed with at least 21 memorials or funerals held in the past four years.

It appears the gentle concerns that a once very rare honour was being used for political capital fell on deaf ears, but there was a hope there’d be a change of course since JA took the chair.

Plus, there are also many rank and file Libs who fervently believe Jeff’s still got it.

Baz reckons this could be an issue to watch.


Social media is a fickle beast and Jacinta Allan may be about to learn that lesson the hard way.

In February just after the bushfires, in what would seem like an opportunity for social media gold, Ms Allan posted a striking photo of a CFA crew rescuing a baby joey captioned “No animal too small for our @cfavic”.

The photo was liked by followers, Labor MPs, and of course, the Director of Media for the Premier, Nathan Motton.

But the hero-inspiring post also drew vexation from anti-duck hunting advocates, wildlife carers and pro-Palestinians.

“Genocide Jacinta”, said one poster blaming her for the killing of children in Gaza.

“Resign #duckkiller” said another.

One especially angry follower claimed the joey was like many others “bludgeoned to death” for the state’s kangaroo pet food program.

The outrage is par for the course in the new world of online keyboard warriors, but the real social media faux pas was revealed to Baz this week.

Tragically the poor little animal in the picture died hours after the heroic rescue. To make matters worse his death was reportedly widely known well before the pic was posted to Ms Allan’s socials. Awkward.

How will the keyboard warriors react to the Premier posting a dead baby kangaroo photo for likes? Only time will tell.


It’s hard to collectively piss off most of the Labor caucus all at once, but member for Bentleigh Nick Staikos has given it a good crack of late.

As Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier, Staikos was tasked with meeting with the regional groupings of Labor MPs to hear ideas for innovative local and public policy and report back to the Premier.

Nick Staikos has been annoying some of his colleagues. Picture: James Ross
Nick Staikos has been annoying some of his colleagues. Picture: James Ross

It’s not a new job, in fact Ms Allan had it herself when she was Deputy Premier to Dan.

However, it turns out that tact is a key ingredient to succeed in the role, one skill that Mr Staikos is lacking according to some of his colleagues.

Several MPs have been grumbling about Mr Staikos inserting himself a little too much in local MP groupings.

Baz’s spies say Sarah Connolly from the Western group has been especially exasperated by his gauche approach of late, although she has not raised it with the member for Bentleigh directly.

Other MPs told Baz they are simply withholding ideas from Mr Staikos in silent revolt.


What do Labor’s Harriet Shing, the National’s Tim Bull and Liberal Matthew Guy have in common? Not much, I suspect you’ll say. But you’d be wrong. Because the loquacious trio look set to be the first three MPs to take part in the Spring St Press Gallery’s inaugural Pollies vs. Media Great Debate.

Liberal Matthew Guy will take part in the Pollies vs. Media Great Debate. Picture: Ian Currie
Liberal Matthew Guy will take part in the Pollies vs. Media Great Debate. Picture: Ian Currie
As will Minister for Housing Harriet Shing. Picture: Valeriu Campan
As will Minister for Housing Harriet Shing. Picture: Valeriu Campan

Inspired by Canberra’s Midwinter Ball, which brings together the journalistic, political and corporate chiefs of Australia, it has for decades been an opportune entertainment and networking opportunity with the big winner being charity.

Baz was pleased to learn our local press pack is following suit, with all funds raised from the inaugural event to the Lions V District Cancer Foundation. The first topic? Do members of parliament get a fair go from the media? Stay tuned for ticket info in coming weeks.


In an age in which we’re all doing out best to cut down emissions, curb spending, and limit excess, Baz was surprised to learn this week Governor Margaret Gardner is running several cars.

Governor of Victoria Margaret Gardner. Picture: Diego Fedele
Governor of Victoria Margaret Gardner. Picture: Diego Fedele

It happened by accident, really, after Baz spotted the King’s local stand-in in different cars over consecutive days. Hard to miss, really, given the distinctive Crown plates.

Turns out the Office of the Governor has two official vehicles which registered to carry the unique number plates, used when the Governor, or a representative of the Governor, is participating in official engagements as part of the Vice-Regal program.

Baz is told the Guv uses a stock standard sedan for daily travel, but upgrades to a more luxurious SUV for longer distance travel. All right for some!


“Les Twentyman made an undoubtable contribution to our state. He helped people. He made their lives better, fairer, and safer. And we are all so much lesser for his loss.” Jacinta Allan pays tribute to prominent youth outreach worker Les Twentyman.


Which former Victorian minister is considered as a favourable option to take the Victorian Senate vacancy in the federal parliament?

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