
Backroom Baz: Dan Andrews’ portrait missing from parliament

Has Daniel Andrews been too busy playing golf to sit down for his parliament portrait? And who will the lucky artist be?

Has Dan Andrews been too busy playing golf to sit down for his portrait? Picture: Yuri Kouzman
Has Dan Andrews been too busy playing golf to sit down for his portrait? Picture: Yuri Kouzman

It was just last week Baz reported how well everyone was getting on under the new, collegiate, leadership of Premier Jacinta Allan. Well, stop the presses. All is not as it first appeared, well placed sources say.

Indeed Baz is sorry to report of some angst within the Premier’s Private Office, with some staff falling foul of the new boss because of their inability, or sheer reluctance, to get with the times, so to speak. “There are some trying to keep the office running the Dan way, and it is grating on some senior ministers and also Allan,” one impeccable source said. Oh, dear.

Some people in the Premier’s office are not impressed. Picture: David Caird
Some people in the Premier’s office are not impressed. Picture: David Caird

Multiple sources said patience was wearing very thin with some who are desperate for the new regime to take hold, and the former administration to fast become a very distant memory. “The command and control era is over,” another source said. Internal problems are not the only type plaguing the Premier though. Baz is told the three mainstream commercial TV networks this week rejected an offer for a one-on-one sit-down interview with the Premier. Now that’s something that would never have happened under an Andrews regime.

Dan’s portrait

Speaking of Dan. Baz took a stroll through Queen’s Hall this week and found himself admiring the portraits of esteemed former Victorian premiers, the likes of Steve Bracks, John Brumby and Jeff Kennett.

But one Premier’s portrait is missing, prompting the question – where is the masterpiece of the former leader? Of course, it’s been only five months since Chairman Dan vacated his office, and he’s been a busy man playing golf, jetting off overseas, and setting up his new businesses.

Former Premier Daniel Andrews is yet to have sat down for his portrait. Picture: Asanka Ratnayake/Getty Images
Former Premier Daniel Andrews is yet to have sat down for his portrait. Picture: Asanka Ratnayake/Getty Images
Steve Bracks with his portrait, painted by artist Garry Anderson, that hangs in the Queens gallery at Parliament House.
Steve Bracks with his portrait, painted by artist Garry Anderson, that hangs in the Queens gallery at Parliament House.

Still, Baz is dying to know: has Dan had time to sit down for his official portrait and who’s the lucky artist? Labor insiders appear to be in the dark on whether one is even in the works. The mystery also begs questions over whether Mr Andrews will be honoured with a bronze statue outside 1 Treasury Place, which he qualified for after clocking up 3000 days on the job.

Mr Andrews of course did not commission a statue, instead leaving the decision of whether one would be installed up to his successor Premier Jacinta Allan. So, will there be a painting, or a sculpture, to remember one of the most divisive leaders in Victoria’s history? Or both? Watch this space.

No wedding bells ... yet

It’s been almost one year since Member for Preston Nathan Lambert used his maiden speech for a surprise proposal to his partner Noah Erlich.

She of course said yes, and Baz has been eagerly awaiting an invite to the nuptials. It appears, fellow MPs have also not forgotten the romantic gesture. In the chamber last year Pascoe Vale MP Anthony Cianflone cheekily urged Lambert to tie the knot at a local wedding venue being included in the $1 billion Pentridge Prison redevelopment in his electorate.

But alas don’t get too excited. Baz hears that the wedding plans have not advanced with Lambert and his partner awaiting the birth of their third daughter, and recently having moved house to fit in the new addition.

Much to the dismay of friends, family, and Baz, the word on the grapevine is that the happy couple have not yet set a date meaning celebrations are a long way off.

Preston MP Nathan Lambert ended his maiden speech by telling his partner, Noah Erlich: “I think we should get married.”
Preston MP Nathan Lambert ended his maiden speech by telling his partner, Noah Erlich: “I think we should get married.”


Baz was keen to learn this week that one of Australia’s favourite political satire shows is coming to Melbourne.

For more than 20 years The Wharf Revue has delivered razor-sharp political satire, and is now kicking off a season here.

The Pride in Prejudice show will feature characters including Anthony Albanese, Tanya Plibersek, Jacqui Lambie, Joe Biden, Sussan Ley and Peter Dutton in what has been described as a “quintessential take down of Australia’s most well-known pollies.”

Baz reckons it could do well to look to Spring St for some inspiration. Will Daniel Andrews feature? John Pesutto or Moira Deeming? What about some of the parliament’s more colourful characters, Georgie Purcell, or Bev McArthur?

There is much to satirise about Victoria’s pollies, so Baz will be keeping close watch. The show opens this week at the University of Melbourne’s Union Theatre.

Look who’s back

Those lurking around the corridors of power as parliament resumed this week may have spotted part-time Liberal operative and former staffer to Opposition Leader John Pesutto, Xavier Boffa.

Boffa, now the Executive Director of The Samuel Griffith Society, worked for Pesutto as a parliamentary advisor when he was Shadow Attorney-General before losing his seat in the 2018 election. He’s also spent time in the congressional office of United States House Asia-Pacific Subcommittee Chairman Ted Yoho.

But why back on Spring St? Having been absent for some time, the reappearance of the backroom “fixer” for Pesutto caused much chatter around the water coolers.

Amid constant speculation of leadership problems, some believe Boffa was brought back in to stem waning support for Pesutto’s leadership. Baz reached out to Boffa, but sadly didn’t hear back.

Purcell slams the Libs

A refreshing take on Liberal Party bashing this week. For a change it wasn’t coming from within. Baz has become so used to the attacks on Liberal MPs coming from their own colleagues, that it’s almost jarring when others turn on them.

But twice in parliament this week the Libs came under fire amid accusations they failed to properly consult crossbench MPs on a motion about Victoria’s ambulance crisis.

Animal Justice Party MP Georgie Purcell didn’t hold back, telling parliament: “I rise to speak in support of this motion today, but I must note that the government actually had to send me the opposition’s motion. They have not spoken to me themselves, which is very disappointing and does not really speak to their ambitions of passing it.”

New MP Georgie Purcell of the Animal Justice Party. Picture: NCA NewsWire / David Crosling
New MP Georgie Purcell of the Animal Justice Party. Picture: NCA NewsWire / David Crosling

Labor MP Michael Galea joined the chorus, too, saying: “here we go again, just another shoddily put together exercise by a very sloppy opposition. As I understand it, they could not even be bothered consulting with the crossbench over their motion, so I do not think they even really want this motion to get up today.”

With Opposition Leader John Pesutto heckled during his apology to Victorians abused in state care, Baz reckons the first week of parliament this year might be one the Libs would rather forget.


“To each and every child who was abused, neglected or mistreated – and on behalf of this Parliament, and every Parliament before it – we say sorry.” Jacinta Allan formally apologises to Victorians who experienced historical abuse and neglect as children in institutional care.

Premier Jacinta Allan breaks down during her apology to Victorians who experienced historical abuse and neglect as children in institutional care.
Premier Jacinta Allan breaks down during her apology to Victorians who experienced historical abuse and neglect as children in institutional care.

Guess Who

Which very senior MP this week took parliament back to the future by referring to the Premier as minister Allan?

Read related topics:Daniel Andrews

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