
Backroom Baz: 2020’s best political moments revealed

Backroom Baz presents his Bazzies to award the good, bad and downright hilarious from the year in politics — and 2020 has given us plenty to choose from.

Premier Daniel Andrews addressed more than 120 consecutive press conferences during the coronavirus crisis. Picture: Sarah Matray
Premier Daniel Andrews addressed more than 120 consecutive press conferences during the coronavirus crisis. Picture: Sarah Matray

“Everybody right to go?” — Premier Daniel Andrews’ press conference starting question became a pandemic catchphrase.

Like him or loathe him, Baz has to tip his hat to Andrews for his more than 120 consecutive press conferences this year.

Some (OK, many) were sleep-inducingly boring, but that aside they served an important role.

There are few pollies who would expose themselves to the risk of being hammered with questions day after day for more than three months.

Victoria’s Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton was front and centre this year. Picture: Daniel Pockett
Victoria’s Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton was front and centre this year. Picture: Daniel Pockett


In 2019 no one knew who chief health officer Brett Sutton was, but this year he was front and centre ... on TV, radio, on bedspreads and face masks — but apparently not on the hotel quarantine team much to his dismay. Despite all the chaos he‘s remained popular with the public, but apparently not so behind the scenes.

Peta Credlin. Picture: Sky News
Peta Credlin. Picture: Sky News


Rumours abounded when Matthew Guy and Peta Credlin, Sky News commentator and former chief of staff to Tony Abbott, were spotted having dinner together.

The meal stirred up the rumour mill with Spring Street types surmising Credlin was plotting to be parachuted into state parliament and take over the Libs’ leadership from Michael O’Brien.

Baz hears it’s more likely she is putting in the groundwork for a seat in the federal senate.

Health Minister Greg Hunt puts on a mask.
Health Minister Greg Hunt puts on a mask.


He’s responsible for Australia’s health system, but don’t ask federal health minister Greg Hunt how to put on a mask.

Kim Carr ‘nods off’ in the Senate.
Kim Carr ‘nods off’ in the Senate.


It’s been a big year. We’re all feeling exhausted. But when the cameras are rolling in the Senate it’s best to stay awake during your comrade’s speeches. We’re looking at you, Kim Carr. Meanwhile, colleague Kristina Keneally kept fighting the good fight.

Marlene Kairouz always looks a million dollars. Picture: Stuart McEvoy
Marlene Kairouz always looks a million dollars. Picture: Stuart McEvoy


Labor’s Marlene Kairouz never attends parliament not looking like a million dollars.

Even in times of crisis the former minister looked smashing as she rocked her iconic classic ‘80s power jacket and necklace of large pearls.

Speaking of iconic — an honourable mention to former premier Jeff Kennett who sparked a lot of social media action in August when he sported a shirt with the kind of collar that ‘70s TV cops would have envied.

And another honourable mention to Sonja Terpstra for her seemingly endless collection of weird and wonderful face masks.

Then of course there was all the excitement over Brett Sutton’s “silver fox’’ stubble — not to mention the day when he ditched the jacket for a more casual jumper. Well, after scores of daily pressers, the audience was always on the lookout for something new.

Liberal MP Matthew Guy got fired up at a Labor Party heckler. Picture: AP
Liberal MP Matthew Guy got fired up at a Labor Party heckler. Picture: AP


“Listen mate, if brains were taxed you’d get a refund ... I don’t even know where you are the member for but I’m sure you won’t be there next time. ”

Liberal MP Matthew Guy getting fired up at a Labor Party heckler in the chamber.

Former Health Minister Jenny Mikakos.
Former Health Minister Jenny Mikakos.


Jenny Mikakos, former Health Minister, and Chris Eccles, secretary to the Department of Premier and Cabinet, both resigned due to Victoria’s hotel quarantine debacle. While both denied having responsibility for the program, they were expendable and ultimately felt they couldn’t serve any more — particularly after Dan Andrews’ testimony to the hotel quarantine inquiry.

Martin Foley was installed as Health Minister during the pandemic. Picture: Daniel Pockett
Martin Foley was installed as Health Minister during the pandemic. Picture: Daniel Pockett


The new Health Minister, Martin Foley, was installed during the pandemic — what an exciting time right?

Wrong! From his first day on the job, monotone has appeared to be his approach, but hey, at least Leader Dan actually backs him — we will see how long that lasts.

Liberal MP Wendy Lovell has bagged out colleagues for tipping off Baz.
Liberal MP Wendy Lovell has bagged out colleagues for tipping off Baz.


Liberal MP Wendy Lovell bagging out colleagues for tipping off Baz, which was duly leaked to Baz. Lovell aired her grievances at a party room meeting, which was met with plenty of eye rolling. It’s not the first time Lovell has complained, and probably won’t be the last.

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