
Tale of torture and cruelty behind Sydney landmark the Baha’i Temple

It towers over the Sydney’s northern beaches hinterland, its grand white dome aglow in all kinds of weather. But how many people realise the struggle behind the faith that turned a bush site into the landmark building

The Baha’i Temple at Ingleside was built in 1961. Picture: Troy Snook
The Baha’i Temple at Ingleside was built in 1961. Picture: Troy Snook

It towers over Sydney’s northern beaches hinterland, its grand white dome aglow in all kinds of weather. But how many of the thousands of people who see and drive past the Baha’i Temple at Ingleside every day realise the struggle behind the faith that turned a bush site into a landmark building with its delicate fretwork and rolling gardens.

Setting up a new sect in Persia was a dangerous undertaking when the Baha’i faith laid its foundations in the mid-19th century.

Reports of suffering endured by merchant Mirza Ali Muhammad Shirazi who, after a pilgrimage to Karbala and Mecca, declared himself a successor to the Prophet Mohammed, and his followers was even being reported in Australian newspapers by early 1846.

Among early followers of Mirza Ali’s new Babi faith was Baha’i founder Mirza Husayn Ali Nuri, born 200 years ago on November 12, 1817, in Tehran.

English journals reported on Persia’s “Mahometan schism” in November 1845, when four people heard supporting “the faith prescribed by the impostor were apprehended, tried and found guilty of unpardonable blasphemy. They were sentenced to lose their beards by fire being set to them,” The London Gazette reported.

Next day, with their faces blackened, Mirza Ali and his three followers were led through Shiraz bazaars by an executioner, who had made a hole in the men’s noses which was threaded with string.

The executioner “sometimes pulled with such violence that the unfortunate fellows cried out alternately for mercy from the executioner and for vengeance from Heaven”, reports explained. “It is the custom in Persia on such occasions for the executioners to collect money from the spectators, and particularly from the shopkeepers in the bazaar.”

Baha'i prisoners in Iran, circa 1850s.
Baha'i prisoners in Iran, circa 1850s.

After a series of visions, in 1844 Mirza Ali, then 25, had proclaimed himself Bab, meaning “gatekeeper”, and “representative” of the Hidden Imam. He is noted as the first person who seriously attempted to break from Islam to found a separate religion with distinct books and laws. The Bab had fled to central Iran when conflict between his supporters and state forces escalated. The Bab was taken to Tabriz, where he was executed by firing squad on July 9, 1850.

Persecution continued when two Babi youth were accused of attempting to kill Nasir al-Din Shah in 1852, with reports that “upwards of 400 Babis were put to death in Tehran, as accomplices in the recent attempt against the life of the shah”. Described as the “ultimate in the spectacle of cruelty”, some Babi “were blinded before being shot; others were stabbed repeatedly, then decapitated; yet others were beaten mercilessly before being strangled”.

Two of Bab Mirza Ali’s first followers, half-brothers Mirza Husayn Ali Nuri and Mirza Yahya Sobh-e Azal, born in Tehran in 1831 and sons of an influential family, continued the faith.

Husayn was among Babis jailed in the Siyah-Chal, or black pit, dungeon in Tehran, where he later revealed several mystical experiences, including a vision of a maiden from God.

But a year after the Bab’s execution, followers regarded younger Mirza Yahya as leader. In 1853 Yahya fled persecution by orthodox Muslim authorities in Iran, settling in Turkish Baghdad, to lead his followers, called Azalis or Babis, for 10 years.

Released from prison after four months, older Husayn was also exiled to Baghdad, then went into voluntary exile for two years in the mountains of Kurdistan. Back in Baghdad in April 1863, in the Garden of Ridvan, Husayn told followers of his visions, when “a maiden sent by God had revealed to him his mission to bring all the peoples of the world into unity as followers of the one true religion”.

Ottoman authorities exiled Husayn to Adrianople in northern Turkey in 1863. Yahya was exiled to Cyprus in 1868. Husayn, then using the title Baha’u’llah, was sent to Acre in Palestine where residents were told the new prisoners were enemies of the state. Living under harsh conditions, many Baha’is fell ill and three died.

In more than 18,000 letters, pamphlets and books, the Baha’u’llah explained Baha’i doctrine, which advocated the unity of all religions and the universal brotherhood of man.

Emphasising social ethics, the Baha’u’llah rejected ritual worship and devoted himself to the abolition of racial, class, and religious prejudices. Baha’u’llah died in Acre in 1892.

After meeting the Baha’u’llah’s eldest surviving son in San Francisco, English-born Clara Dunn, then 50, and her husband John Hyde, in his 60s, decided to introduce the faith to Australia. With few funds, they arrived in Sydney in April 1920. Hyde battled illness before taking a job as a travelling salesmen, introducing the faith on his travels. Although slow to attract followers, the Baha’i temple was built at Ingleside in Sydney in 1961

Originally published as Tale of torture and cruelty behind Sydney landmark the Baha’i Temple

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