For too long, Lachlan McCulloch hit the street every day in someone else’s skin.
As an undercover cop, he shed his respectable, middle-class upbringing to become a slimy drug dealer.
His job was to live a lie around the clock to infiltrate one of the most notorious crime families in the country.
Get anything wrong and it could get him killed. Now, he sits down with Andrew Rule to talk about his remarkable career.
Listen to the six-part podcast series and read the stories below.
Thousands of Aussies want inquest into Louisa Ioannidis’ death
Calls for an inquest into the death of 24-year-old Louisa Ioannidis, who was found dead in a Melbourne creek, have grown after new evidence was discovered.
‘Silenced and sidelined’: Broken justice system fails victims of crime
Victims of violent crimes and sexual assault say going through Victoria’s “injustice” system was worse than the crime itself, with some questioning whether they would ever report another crime.