THEY are the killings that shocked a nation.
Ivan Milat shot and stabbed to death seven hitchhikers ... that we know of. Seven women met their ends at the depraved hands of Christopher Worrell and James Miller, their bodies dumped near Truro. Arnold Sodeman kidnapped schoolgirls and killed at least four. William McDonald preferred homeless men and butchered at least five. Paul Denyer hated women so much he killed three at random. Eric Edgar Cooke terrorised a city until he was finally caught. Leonard John Fraser raped and killed for years. David and Catherine Birnie were Australia’s answer to Fred and Rosemary West and Peter Dupas targeted vulnerable women, killing three, though many believe he killed more.
These are the nation’s worst serial killers.
Thousands of Aussies want inquest into Louisa Ioannidis’ death
Calls for an inquest into the death of 24-year-old Louisa Ioannidis, who was found dead in a Melbourne creek, have grown after new evidence was discovered.
‘Silenced and sidelined’: Broken justice system fails victims of crime
Victims of violent crimes and sexual assault say going through Victoria’s “injustice” system was worse than the crime itself, with some questioning whether they would ever report another crime.