OpinionSusie O'BrienNot only did Optus allow a major breach to happen, it failed to alert customers immediately and downplayed the attack’s seriousness.
Susie O'BrienWho could replace the Queen on the five-dollar note? There’s a cavalcade of suggestions from Shane Warne to Steve Irwin, but no obvious choice.
OpinionSusie O'BrienMeghan Markle has had to confront one very big inconvenient truth this week, which destroys many of her claims of poor treatment.
OpinionSusie O'BrienThe proposal to slap woke warnings on romantic comedies is a joyless, timid and depressing suggestion that goes way too far.
opinionSusie O'BrienHe’s labelled an AFL legend, but Wayne Carey is the poster child for toxic masculinity and should have been cancelled years ago.
OpinionSusie O'BrienSerena Williams didn’t just retire from tennis like every other former player, she “evolved” into her post-tennis life — shame she can’t evolve into acting like a grown-up.
OpinionSusie O'BrienVictoria Racing Club’s decision to remove gender altogether from the fashions on the field competition doesn’t make much sense and risks alienating many.
OpinionOpinionThey’re cute, aerobically gifted young people getting rich by dancing in their bedrooms — but they wouldn’t last a second in the “real jobs” filled by Baby Boomers and Gen X.
Susie O'BrienWhen actors dressed up as giant, fluffy, yellow birds are accused of deliberate racism for not waving at kids, maybe it’s time to ask if racism has become an overused term?
OpinionSusie O'BrienThe government must act swiftly on the rag-tag mob of pests who thought nothing of obstructing health workers and terrifying sick kids.