

Rita Panahi: Liberals abandoned the ‘culture wars’ and allowed the Left to pursue its agenda

The Liberal party has failed to capitalise on Labor’s woke ideology, including its toxic race obsessions and trans madness.

Liberal Party 'bungled important debate on trans politics'

The overwhelming majority of Australians haven’t yet cast their vote but the post-election analysis has already begun and the advice from much of the commentariat is predictably clueless.

That’s what happens when people who dislike and misunderstand the centre right give advice to the centre right.

If the Coalition loses on Saturday the worst thing the Liberals can do is listen to the abominably dumb counsel of the Left-dominated media who will advise a lurch to the Left to win back power.

That would see the federal Liberals become as unelectable as their milquetoast counterparts in Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia.

The Liberal party in Australia only thrives when it stands true to its conservative principles of meritocracy, small government and individual liberty.

By trying to hold on to a handful of affluent, formerly blue ribbon seats the Liberals have given up any pretence of being a genuine conservative party.

The Liberal Party needs to stand true to its conservative principles. Picture: Jason Edwards
The Liberal Party needs to stand true to its conservative principles. Picture: Jason Edwards

That’s largely why the Coalition’s vote is fractured with a host of centre right alternatives vying for the votes of the disaffected base.

The same base that turned up in huge numbers to give Tony Abbott a landslide victory in 2013 and then abandoned the party under Malcolm Turnbull in 2016.

The Liberals have lost sight of their ideals and become a Labor-lite party in recent years; implementing policies from the Left like Net Zero, spending like drunken sailors throughout the pandemic and abandoning the ‘culture wars’ which are actually hugely consequential issues that shape a nation’s culture and values.

From free speech to identity politics the Liberals abandoned the field in the ‘culture wars’ and allowed the Left to pursue its agenda despite the Coalition winning seven of the past nine federal elections.

Sure the Libs preselected one woman, Katherine Deves in Warringah, who has taken a strong stand against the excesses of the trans movement, particularly when it comes to biological males competing against women, but they then forced her to issue a grovelling apology, gagged her and did no preparatory work on why this issue matters.

Katherine Deves. Picture: Jason Edwards
Katherine Deves. Picture: Jason Edwards
Anthony Albanese. Picture: Sam Ruttyn
Anthony Albanese. Picture: Sam Ruttyn

And, it’s a significantly broader issue than just male bodies competing against natural born women.

The Liberal party has been compromised by its efforts to hold on to a handful of inner city seats and has ignored the masses in the suburbs and regions, who are ripe for the picking given Labor’s ideological shift.

No matter how often Anthony Albanese denies being ‘woke’, he leads a party that is far more radical in its worldview than the old school Labor of Hawke and Keating.

Albo may agree that “men can’t have babies” but that’s not the Labor Party’s position.

In fact the official ALP national policy document has axed the words ‘mother’, ‘breastfeeding’ and ‘pregnant women’ and replaced it with ‘people’ and ‘individuals’ who are pregnant.

Woke ideology including toxic race obsessions and trans madness is as entrenched within Labor as budget deficits.

But the bedwetters within the Liberals have prevented the party from capitalising on these fault lines.

As I wrote some weeks ago Simon Holmes a Court and his Climate 200 teals may, in the long term, be doing the Liberals a massive favour by helping to rid them of their wets.

Rita Panahi
Rita PanahiColumnist and Sky News host

Telling it like it is.

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