Rita PanahiVictorian Labor’s war against property investors is intensifying, with a raft of costly and onerous new measures that are certain to see rental prices soar further and more landlords exiting the market.
Rita PanahiAnthony Albanese’s culpability in the badly bungled Direction 99 debacle, which has seen hardened criminals including pedophiles and rapists dodge deportation, may run deeper than first thought.
Rita PanahiThe state government may have dodged a bullet when criminal charges over the bungled hotel quarantine program were dropped, but if a looming class action succeeds, it may become the biggest in Victorian history.
OpinionRita PanahiThe Albanese government has added insult to injury by failing to condemn the mad political activism of the International Criminal Court.
Rita PanahiVictoria’s debt-riddled state government is hooked on property taxes and it is simply unsustainable for many suffering land tax stress to hold on to property.
Rita PanahiIt’s clear the moral-posturing pretenders at the AFL have learnt nothing from the Voice referendum with more race-based activism that will see a number of clubs change their names to indigenous terms.
OpinionRita PanahiThe push by Asthma Australia to ban wood fires in new homes shows appalling judgment.
Rita PanahiNot long ago if you said anything about Covid vaccine injuries, you would be called a conspiracy theorist. Now, Dan Andrews and Scott Morrison are among a long list of politicians who should apologise.
Rita PanahiMany within the Jewish community have been enthusiastic allies of “progressive” activists but the modern Left are not their friends — and the Greens have shown an appetite for rabid anti-Zionism.
Rita PanahiA radicalised teen assailant who stabbed a man in a Bunnings carpark in Perth’s south made his intentions and motivations crystal clear, so why are authorities baulking at calling a spade a spade?