

Dumbo, Peter Pan, Pepe Le Pew canned because cowards bend to mob

Dumbo and Peter Pan have become the latest victims of cancel culture. It’s time for cowards to stop bending to the hate mob.

Dumbo has been banned from the kids view on Disney+.
Dumbo has been banned from the kids view on Disney+.

The lunatics are running the asylum.

We are living in a clown world where Tech oligarchs staffed by far Left ideologues together with an increasingly out-of-touch media and academia exert enormous control on what we see and what is deemed acceptable.

Just this week much loved children’s cartoon character, Pepe Le Pew, was accused of promoting rape culture. Yes, a cartoon skunk got the #metoo treatment. Meanwhile, Speedy Gonzales is at risk of being cancelled for playing into damaging stereotypes.

Pepe Le Pew has been accused of promoting rape culture.
Pepe Le Pew has been accused of promoting rape culture.

But it doesn’t end there, other popular cartoons are also being censored or disappeared by Disney for being racially insensitive and eBay is banning reselling of six freshly cancelled Dr Seuss books but you can still purchase Hitler’s Mein Kampf on the site.

Also this week a musician, Mumford & Son’s Winston Marshall, issued a grovelling apology for the crime of reading a best-selling book by Andy Ngo, a writer and journalist who has been stalked, threatened and assaulted by Antifa extremists.

Cancel culture, critical race theory, radical gender theory and the cult of victimhood are no longer fringe concepts to be debated on college campuses, they are real and present threats against individualism and free expression.

We are seeing mainstream books, TV shows and artists cancelled and in some cases erased.

Disney has gone from placing “content warnings” on programs to removing certain movies, including “Dumbo,” “The Aristocats,” “Swiss Family Robinson,” and “Peter Pan” from children’s accounts, effectively removing access for young children.

A scene from the now deleted Peter Pan.
A scene from the now deleted Peter Pan.

Adults with Disney+ accounts can still access the content but only after seeing a “content warning”.

Disney’s explanation: “As part of our ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusion, we are in the process of reviewing our library and adding advisories to content that includes negative depictions or mistreatment of people or cultures.”

This is the same company that is currently grovelling to the Chinese Communist Party, which is in 2021, engaged in ethnic genocide and active persecution of ethnic and religious minorities.

China is also running slave camps, or if you prefer forced labour camps.

Like the rest of the corporate world who have foolishly decided that embracing woke culture is the way forward, Disney is rather selective in what “diversity and inclusion” they champion.

After several years of activists decrying Dr Seuss as a racist and colonialist, the company that oversees his works, The Dr Seuss Foundation, decided to withdraw six of his books. Another cowardly capitulation.

Cancel culture wouldn’t exist without coward culture.

Do not bend a knee to the hate mob, do not apologise unless you’ve done something wrong and never try to appease the activist class.

To paraphrase the great Winston Churchill, another target of the cancel culture vultures, “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”


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