
Jeff Kennett: Why there’s never been less motivation to work hard in Victoria

Between higher taxes and our failing services, there’s never been less motivation to work hard in Victoria — and we can thank the gross mismanagement of the Andrews/Allan governments.

Daniel Andrews has transferred the responsibility for his failures to the Victorian public, says Jeff Kennett. Picture: David Crosling
Daniel Andrews has transferred the responsibility for his failures to the Victorian public, says Jeff Kennett. Picture: David Crosling

Have you ever thought about the consequences for the way in which we live our lives?

If you work hard and buy a holiday home, a farm or save financially for your and your family’s security, you are increasingly sought out, hunted down and penalised by governments.

I am not talking about the small percentage of people we would call the very wealthy.

No, I am talking about middle income Victorians and Australians, but increasingly about Victorians.
In the main these people have worked hard all their lives, usually wage earners, and have paid their taxes.

They also might also be small business people who invariably work hard and long hours, and often provide jobs for others.

All understand the need to pay reasonable taxes and charges to governments to provide the services and infrastructure for the community.

They are not happy, and are increasingly angry, when governments so mismanage and simply transfer the responsibility for their failures on to the public.

Our lives have become adversely affected through the imposition of higher and unaffordable taxes and charges, and the rules of taxation are continually changing.

For instance, work hard, save through superannuation for your later years, and because you have done the right thing to remain independent of government, the same federal government changes the rules to cut your income in later years.

Will Tim Pallas further target hard-working Victorians in his upcoming state budget? Picture: Luis Enrique Ascui
Will Tim Pallas further target hard-working Victorians in his upcoming state budget? Picture: Luis Enrique Ascui

The state government has so abjectly, deliberately and irresponsibly failed to administer the state over the past decade we — not those who failed nor the premiers or ministers — but we the people are paying the price to such an extent that its is adversely affecting our lifestyle, the quality of the services and reducing our options.

Higher property taxes, workers compensation, payroll taxes, charges on just about everything we use or need.

We are being taxed beyond reasonableness.

The incentive of working hard in Victoria is being greatly reduced, the consequence of the Andrews/Allan governments’ gross mismanagement of our affairs.

What they have done and are doing is criminal. And future generations will pay dearly.

If Victoria were a commercial business, it would have been liquidated years ago and its leaders prosecuted for acts of destruction.

The quality of the fundamental services we use continues to decline at an alarming rate. The condition of our roads is an example of every other service. Major potholes exist in our health and education systems, our police force is stretched beyond any definition of reasonableness.

On the other hand, for those who increasingly break the law, protest in a way that disrupts the movement and lives of the law-abiding citizens, there are no consequences.

Sadly, of women who are getting murdered our Premier says “This has got to stop” but does nothing.

For those including the police who want greater controls on the right of protesters to disrupt, the Premier says, “they have a right to protest”, which clearly means “up yours” to Victoria’s law-abiding citizens.

Higher taxes, failing services, lax law enforcement — the majority of Victorians are getting a dud deal, says Jeff Kennett. Picture: Diego Fedele
Higher taxes, failing services, lax law enforcement — the majority of Victorians are getting a dud deal, says Jeff Kennett. Picture: Diego Fedele

Increasingly in Victoria there are no or few consequences for bad behaviour, but severe consequences for working hard, and being a law-abiding citizen.

Certainly, there are no consequences yet for those politicians who have taken Victoria to this unsustainable position.

Losing the next state election is no consequence for the damage which will be felt for decades.

We are told this year’s state budget will be a horror one. If so, it can only be through a reduction in government expenditure on infrastructure and to services, because any further increases in taxes and charges will have citizens leave the state in droves and exacerbating the hardship for those who remain.

If the budget is not as tough as the government is suggesting, then they are guilty of abusing the communities’ emotions at a time when there is uncertainty, worry and lack of confidence among Victorians.

We need to restore the ingredients of consequence within our society, for how we live. In Victoria, the balance is increasingly wrong.

The one consequence of the Labor government’s gross mismanagement must be that any further spending on the Suburban Rail Loop will stop and the project cancelled.

The public should no longer be the scapegoat for the government’s failures.

There are rights, responsibilities and consequences in life. Right now, the public have had a gutful, and it is time the government accepted the consequence of its mismanagement.

Have a better day.

Jeff Kennett
Jeff KennettContributor

Jeff Kennett was premier of Victoria from 1992 to 1999, served two stints as Hawthorn Football Club president and was the founding chairman of Beyond Blue.

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