
Jeff Kennett: Silent majority will rise up against Daniel Andrews

An army of people have had a gutful of the autocratic style of Daniel Andrews and soon the silent majority will insist on higher standards of leadership and honesty.

Victorian government had ‘no choice’ but to call for a Royal Commission into Crown

I have always had great faith in the silent majority within the community.

For a long time opinion polls have indicated Premier Daniel Andrews and his actions are supported by most of the community.

Yet 20 months out from a state election such soundings are irrelevant. This Labor government under Andrews’s absolute control will be seen by history as the most costly and unaccountable in Victoria’s history.

The silent majority will in due course condemn it to the “rotten row” of political history.

After its election in 2016 the Andrews government has ignored and abused the political processes in the name of self-interest. They have cheated Victorians of an honest and open government. They have abused the practice and conventions of the Westminster system since they were elected.

The Red Shirts Affair when their interests led them to lie about the misuse of public funds for their own advancement.

More recently the Premier’s arrogance that dictated how Victoria was going to address the pandemic against the considered view of the national cabinet was deadly.

And the loss of so many businesses and the pain that continues for so many in industry will be felt for years.

I supported the staging of the Australian Open and congratulate Craig Tiley and his team for delivering the event under trying circumstances, even while reducing the number of overseas Victorians from returning home.

But consider the contradiction by the Premier when he claimed had we not staged the event we would have lost it, yet never expressed the same concern for any of the hundreds of Victorian businesses that have closed because of his autocratic leadership.

Daniel Andrews’ government has ignored and abused the political processes in the name of self-interest.. Picture: Paul Jeffers
Daniel Andrews’ government has ignored and abused the political processes in the name of self-interest.. Picture: Paul Jeffers

The recent five-day lockdown was totally unnecessary, and came at great cost to tourism, hospitality and catering businesses.

When a senior minister told an industry representative it “would not hurt businesses that much”, it was an indication the government had no idea about the impact of its decisions. Or simply did not care.

The lockdown was statewide because Victoria Police did not have enough officers to enforce a focused lockdown in suburbs where COVID cases were reported.

Then on Monday, in one of the greatest acts of double standards, the Premier announces a royal commission into the activity at Crown casino.

Given what came to light in the NSW inquiry into Crown, headed by former judge Patricia Bergin, into money laundering in Victoria’s casino and its administration, a royal commission is understandable.

To have the powers to call witnesses and seek the truth. To seek papers and documents to understand what has been happening at Crown.

I support the establishment of the royal commission.

No lives have been lost because of Crown’s administration, although that could have occurred when many of its staff were imprisoned in China but have since been released.

In one of the greatest acts of double standards, Dan Andrews has announced a royal commission into Crown casino. Picture: David Geraghty
In one of the greatest acts of double standards, Dan Andrews has announced a royal commission into Crown casino. Picture: David Geraghty

But here in Victoria where more than 800 lives were lost because of the Premier’s autocratic style, he refused to appoint a royal commission into his and his government’s failings.

Instead we were presented with a damp squib inquiry at which no minister accepted responsibility for the administration that led to the virus escaping hotel quarantine, and all had a collective loss of memory which they were allowed to get away with.

If anyone in the private sector had contributed to one death the Premier and his government would have pursued the individual or organisation and fine or even jail them.

On Monday we heard Workplace Victoria had charged Cranbourne Turf Club and Saloon Park Pty Ltd over the death of apprentice jockey Mikaela Claridge for “a failure to maintain a safe working environment”.

Again, what an example of double standards.

No charge has been laid against Andrews for not only failing to maintain a safe working environment, but directing the failed administration of the hotel quarantine.

As I said, I have great faith in the silent majority. Andrews, I suspect, will not be around when the public passes judgment on his leadership and the cost of his indulgences.

Whoever leads Labor into the next election, the die has been well and truly cast.

As the community starts to receive the vaccine, many will think the pain is behind over.

It hopefully will be in terms of the health crisis, but not for the Victorian economy.

While 80 per cent of Victorian businesses have sailed through the last 13 months, 20 per cent have either disappeared or are in such a parlous state they will not survive beyond July.

Victorians are leaving the state in droves which will reduce demand for goods and services.

Many schoolchildren are having difficulty adjusting after the past year and our universities are financially crippled.

Watch the tourism, hospitality and catering businesses — if they still exist — in the months ahead.

Even with the vaccine being rolled out, the Premier said he would not rule out further lockdowns. That in itself will lower public confidence among people prepared to work hard and invest.

There is an army of people who have had a gutful of the autocratic, style of Andrews. I regret we must wait 20 months before we can start rebuilding this once great and proud state which has become the laughing stock of the country.

The die has been cast. The silent majority want, and will insist on, higher standards of leadership and honesty, backed by a cabinet that is inclusive and where the leader’s actions can be challenged.

The wave of rejection is building as more people understand the damage being done.

The silent majority will prevail.

Have a good day.

Jeff Kennett is a former premier of Victoria

Jeff Kennett
Jeff KennettContributor

Jeff Kennett was premier of Victoria from 1992 to 1999, served two stints as Hawthorn Football Club president and was the founding chairman of Beyond Blue.

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