
Get business open and people on the move to lift confidence

The doors must be flung open on cafes, restaurants and bars and the 5km limit on movement thrown out to get Victoria moving again and on the way to recovery, writes Jeff Kennett.

Former Premier Jeff Kennett has his say on kickstarting Victoria. Picture: Tim Carrafa
Former Premier Jeff Kennett has his say on kickstarting Victoria. Picture: Tim Carrafa

As we emerge from COVID-19 we should first recognise that many businesses and the public service have continued to operate mostly from home.

Others have operated on a restricted basis, construction, others as a result of innovation restaurants with take away meals, many retailers with online sales.

We have also seen a massive escalation in home delivery activity and resultant employment.

Victoria has not been without activity, so with some simple decisions we can rebound fairly quickly for some sectors, while others have no change of rebuilding until well into


The restrictions on people movement has had a considerable impact on social and economic activity. We must free up such movement.

Australia’s closed borders have materially affected the number of foreign students attending schools and our universities, not to mention tourists coming to Australia and Victoria, and so many businesses reliant of overseas arrivals are in dire trouble.

Those closed borders, national and state, and the 5km movement zone within Victoria is having a devastating effect on our tourism industry, education, and the harvesting of

many of Victoria’s agriculture crops.

Finally, but not comprehensively, our offices, shops, restaurants, pubs, bars, theatres and arts institutions are closed.

Lucy Liu executive chef Zac Cribbes is ready to reopen. Picture: Jason Edwards
Lucy Liu executive chef Zac Cribbes is ready to reopen. Picture: Jason Edwards

Our major events, arts and sports are non-existent and where held i.e. horse racing, are done without crowds, hospitality, tentage and all that goes to support our major events.

So, what should we be doing as quickly as possible?

1. Understand that financial subsidies are no substitute for natural activity and rebuilding the economy.

2. Our restaurants, pubs and bars and places of socialising should be reopened as quickly as possible.

3. Our places of entertainment, the arts and theatres, should be reopened.

4. The 5km restriction should be lifted as should the restriction on people moving freely within Victoria.

5. Employees should be permitted to return to their offices, even if on a rotating basis.

6. Schools should be reopened for all students in term 4.

7. Personal Care restarted for hair, waxing and other needs.

8. Do it Yourself businesses such as nurseries and hardware stores.

9. Family members should be free to visit other family members without qualification, particularly senior members visiting children and grandchildren.

I have no doubt based on the public response in other states as they have opened their economies, that Victorians, having been locked up for most of the year, will safely rush back to places of entertainment and socialising.

That will immediately see tens of thousands of jobs full and part time created.

Sadly, many businesses have closed and will not reopen.

Many more will attempt to struggle through Christmas and then find themselves unable to continue.

Hairdresser Tom Donato has been waiting news of when he can reopen. Picture: Sarah Matray
Hairdresser Tom Donato has been waiting news of when he can reopen. Picture: Sarah Matray

The practice of many industries will have changed forever.

So, we are going to experience a period of readjustment which is hard to predict and will take many months if not years to settle.

For instance, working from home for some of the week, more online purchases, maybe more meals at home, attending less functions.

We have yet to see the impact of a reducing JobKeeper allowance and its final withdrawal from many businesses.

To achieve maximum impact, we need a return of activity and confidence within Victoria.

I do not believe that will be achieved until those who created the mess that has led to our restrictions, leave the scene.

We need vibrancy, excitement, growth and to reclaim our reputation as the Major Events Capital of Australia.

So, what in my opinion will be the major contributor to rebuilding the state?

A return of confidence within the community.

My suggestions above, and others will contribute to that return of confidence, but such should be felt and experienced by all Victorians. Not words mouthed by politicians.

Confidence is everything and remember, the good health practices we have been personally following for months will probably become common practice.

Take the shackles off, let us rebuild the confidence we once shared.


Jeff Kennett was the Premier from 1992 to 1999.





Jeff Kennett
Jeff KennettContributor

Jeff Kennett was premier of Victoria from 1992 to 1999, served two stints as Hawthorn Football Club president and was the founding chairman of Beyond Blue.

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