

Daniel Andrews’ state of emergency sends a dangerous message

When Daniel Andrews sends out messages like he did on Monday, seeking an extension of a state of emergency until next year, it sends ripples of fear down the spine of most Victorians. How can our Premier not see how his words will cause the rapid drying up of jobs, security and hope, writes Jeff Kennett.

Vic state of emergency legislation places 'significant power' in the hands of 'unelected officials'

I have said before that Premier Daniel Andrews so often gets his messaging wrong.

Firstly, he referred to Victoria as a state of disaster. We have never been, and we never will be, a state of disaster.

We are confronting a virus that most unfortunately is having a second wave because of the Andrews government’s gross mismanagement of hotel quarantine.

Secondly, he said we might not be able to gather with our families at Christmas — four months out from Christmas. What does that tell you? He has no confidence in our ability to get the virus under control by then.

We Victorians have accepted the most draconian attack on our personal liberties ever imposed by an Australian government. We have done so for all the right reasons. We continue to do so. But we need hope.

Now the Premier has said he will seek the approval of the Victorian parliament to extend the state of emergency powers until at least September 2021. He said “there will be no economic recovery until the health crisis is resolved.” Does he have any understanding of the implications?

We Victorians have accepted the most draconian attack on our personal liberties ever imposed by an Australian government. Picture: Getty Images
We Victorians have accepted the most draconian attack on our personal liberties ever imposed by an Australian government. Picture: Getty Images

Firstly, anyone who was thinking of investing in Victoria, will be withdrawing that investment.

Potential international university students thinking of coming to Victorian universities will look at their website, see we are in a state of emergency and head elsewhere.

Even if the empowering legislation is defeated in parliament, he has revealed to investors a troubling disregard for employment, investment and growth. No investor will have the confidence to invest in the state.

Look around Victoria now, city and country. Unemployment is rising, shops and businesses are closed, many sadly never to reopen. Look at the construction industry — already down to 25 per cent of the workforce.

The government needs the authority of the parliament to extent the state of emergency. It clearly has the numbers in the Lower House. In the Upper House, where the Opposition will vote against the legislation, the independents have the numbers to decide the result.

The two Greens and the sole representative of Hinch’s Justice Party have already said they will support the health interests of Victorians, and implicitly support the government.

The Chief Health Officer has indicated he supports the lifting of restrictions from September 14.

We are all concerned about the health of Victorians, as we are at any time. But never before have we destroyed the economy while addressing the health challenges of the day.

Never before have we destroyed the economy while addressing the health challenges of the day. Picture: Getty Images
Never before have we destroyed the economy while addressing the health challenges of the day. Picture: Getty Images

I am genuinely concerned that I am going to live out my life witnessing Victoria shrinking, while our children and grandchildren are denied the opportunities we have had.

The Premier and I are privileged. Not only have we had the honour of leading the state, but we have families, houses, all those assets that are the envy of many. At the day’s end, we return to the security of home life. We close the doors and enjoy our comforts.

But what about the vulnerable, the increasing numbers of unemployed who are lining up outside welfare agencies, their dreams and aspirations shattered?

What about single people, regardless of age, who are not allowed to visit or be visited, unless they are able to walk with a friend?

Does the Premier have any idea of the pain he is placing on small businessmen and women whose business are closed?

Does he not consider when sending out messages like he did on Monday that seeking an extension of a state of emergency until next year sends ripples of fear down the spine of most Victorians?

The mental health toll of that badly timed message is immeasurable. The economic toll we know will be profound. There is simply no way the banks will be able to extend credit to those businesses already closed. Or continue to extend mortgage relief to those families, where because of job losses, or reduced income, they have no way of recommencing the payment of their financial obligations.

We have all experienced and overcome challenges in life, but when I heard the Premier’s suggestion that he wanted to seek the authority to extend our state of emergency for another year, I was at first incredulous. Then profoundly saddened, and then as mad as hell.

How could any leader not see what the ramifications of his words would be? The immediate impact on future investment? The rapid drying up of jobs, of hope, of security.

How could Daniel Andrews not see what the ramifications of his words would be? Picture: David Crosling
How could Daniel Andrews not see what the ramifications of his words would be? Picture: David Crosling

Many of you might think my articles are politically inspired or personally anti-Daniel Andrews. They are not. Yes, I disagree with some of his government’s policies and action and the words he uses at times. But politics does not motivate my objections. Rather, it is a deep love of our magnificent state and lasting commitment and concern for Victorians.

I hate what I am seeing happening to small business and individuals here in Victoria. And I am terribly worried about what I fear might come our way in the next few months if we do not start reopening the economy.

Let us hope for brighter days and end-of-year festivities that we all can celebrate.


Jeff Kennett is a former Premier of Victoria

Jeff Kennett
Jeff KennettContributor

Jeff Kennett was premier of Victoria from 1992 to 1999, served two stints as Hawthorn Football Club president and was the founding chairman of Beyond Blue.

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