Why Australia deserved more of Humphries’ contempt
Barry Humphries wasn’t just achingly funny but mocked Australians almost as a patriotic service, to save us from the humourless mediocrities now in plague proportions.
Barry Humphries wasn’t just achingly funny but mocked Australians almost as a patriotic service, to save us from the humourless mediocrities now in plague proportions.
Who does Qantas’ race-genuflecting help? I know who it hurts, and it’s not just the Australians who identify as Aboriginal.
Many global warming predictions have already flopped, so why won’t our politicians and media reveal the scientific data proves the “climate crisis” isn’t real.
The dirty work of appeasing China is being done by two Labor premiers, Daniel Andrews and Mark McGowan, who has disgraced himself on his China trip.
People in Europe are no longer dying from coronavirus like they were but the ABC continues to push “grim news” about the second wave of infections now hitting European countries. It’s time to realise facts are cheaper than fear, writes Andrew Bolt.
Life in Daniel Andrews’ Victoria is about to become even more draconian, with the Premier now wanting the power to appoint “designated officers” who can lock up the rest of us without even a court hearing. And it’s frightening, writes Andrew Bolt.
Multicultural Victoria is insane. It’s again proven in the Premier’s decision to spare a group of Afghans spreading coronavirus from punishment and instead fine protesting grannies in a park. Showing, once more, we’re really not all in this together, writes Andrew Bolt.
Victoria’s crazy Cult of Dan is backed by polls showing strong public support for our most authoritarian Premier yet. It is extraordinary that the more people who die from his disasters, the more the survivors praise him for his strength, writes Andrew Bolt.
Queensland’s Premier blamed her Chief Medical Officer for deciding to ban a woman from travelling to the state for her father’s funeral and Premier Daniel Andrews blamed data and doctors for imposing the world’s harshest bans. When will our leaders stop lying, writes Andrew Bolt.
Europe’s second wave of coronavirus should reassure us that it’s time to stop the mad panic of ruinous shutdowns like those imposed by Victoria. This virus is not as deadly as the “experts” led us to believe, writes Andrew Bolt.
The Murray Darling Association is meant to help farmers in Australia’s great food bowl but will instead force them to suck up lectures from two false propehts — a global warming extremist and an “indigenous historian”, writes Andrew Bolt.
China’s attack on Australian journalists is about more than a dictatorship’s hatred of free speech. It’s about blackmail, and every Australian is now a potential pawn, which is why we must prepare for war, writes Andrew Bolt.
Scott Morrison promised us this vaccine could save us but now its trials have stalled. Can we finally snap out of our virus delusion and realise we can’t just sit here waiting to be rescued, writes Andrew Bolt.
Daniel Andrews promised a “road map” out of the bans that have smashed Victoria, but instead he delivered a map to destruction that will destroy more businesses and see restrictions almost certainly sticking around to Christmas, writes Andrew Bolt.
Original URL: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/andrew-bolt/page/78