

I see our Greens and feel shame

There’s a pattern of behaviour that shows Greens politicians are fishing in the sewer of anti-Semitism. Look at the rancid company they keep.

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I thought there was something uniquely sick in Germany’s culture for that country to fall for the Nazis.

Now I see our Greens and feel shame.

Here’s a party inciting Jew haters and winning votes.

The pattern of their appeals to Jew haters is unmistakeable.

The Greens Party is inciting Jew haters. Picture: Martin Ollman
The Greens Party is inciting Jew haters. Picture: Martin Ollman

Let me give examples, before I get to Laura Allam:

• In October, the federal Greens – alone in Parliament – voted against a motion that supported Israel’s right to defend itself and condemned the Hamas terrorist group for slaughtering 1200 Jews on October 7.

• On Wednesday, the Greens demanded the Senate condemn Israel’s “invasion” of Gaza – in a motion that again didn’t condemn Hamas or demand it free its Jewish hostages.

• In NSW, Greens MP Jenny Leong warned the Jews had their “tentacles” everywhere: “The Jewish lobby and the Zionist lobby are infiltrating into every single aspect of what is ethnic community groups” and “their tentacles reach into the areas that try and influence power”.

• Greens leader Adam Bandt tweeted support for a “free Palestine” protest with a map of Israel and Palestinian territories all in one colour – so no separate state of Israel, just what Hamas wants. (A mistake, he says.)

Adam Bandt’s tweet had a map showing no separate state of Israel. Picture: Valeriu Campan
Adam Bandt’s tweet had a map showing no separate state of Israel. Picture: Valeriu Campan

When you fish in the sewer of anti-Semitism, it’s no wonder three Greens senators were listed as guest speakers at the Palestinetoparliament protest in Canberra, alongside Laura Allam, founder of the Al-Jannah Foundation.

So there was Greens Senator Mehreen Faruqi on stage chanting “free free Palestine”, just after Allam had had her say.

But to best understand what rancid company the Greens now keep, read Allam’s tweets.

She’s tweeted pictures of four Israeli solders killed in Gaza, adding: “Good riddance.”

Greens senator Mehreen Faruqi was one of the guest speakers at the Palestinetoparliament protest in Canberra. Picture: Martin Ollman
Greens senator Mehreen Faruqi was one of the guest speakers at the Palestinetoparliament protest in Canberra. Picture: Martin Ollman

She’s tweeted several media statements of Hamas, and called for an end to Israel: “Who’s (sic) stupid idea was it to put Israhell (sic) in the Middle East? You don’t belong there, GET OUT!”

She’s tweeted “there is NO evidence Hamas raped Israelis”, despite the testimony of eyewitnesses and forensic experts, and insisted: “Hamas should be welcomed in every single Arab nation as they take on the Middle Eastern enemy.”

Most shockingly, the morning after Hamas massacred 1200 Jews, raped many women and took more than 250 hostages, Allam gloated: “Woke up to some great news for our beloved Palestine.”

That’s one of the people now sharing a stage with the Greens. What a disgrace to this country.

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew's columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News at 7pm Monday to Thursday.

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