

Andrew Bolt: Key voice architect Marcia Langton a hater who divides

With Marcia Langton a key architect of Labor’s planned “voice”, it’s clearly not a voice of peace — it’s the voice of people who use race as a weapon for power and privilege.

Voice to Parliament risks ‘permanently dividing Australians by race’

There are many reasons not to trust Labor’s planned “voice” – a kind of Aboriginal-only parliament – and one is called Marcia Langton.

This kind of apartheid never unites, and the voice is designed in large part by Langton, a hater who divides.

Langton is a Melbourne University professor who co-chairs the government’s Indigenous Voice Co-design groups working out how this voice will work.

On the ABC on Monday, Langton vilified another Aboriginal woman, Nationals senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, for daring to oppose her voice.

Price, she claimed, had “kicked off” a “nasty, eugenicist, 19th century style of debate about the superior race vs the inferior race”. Eugenics was preached by the Nazis.

ABC host Patricia Karvelas once again didn’t say a word of protest against this vile smear of Price, just as she didn’t the week before, when she let Noel Pearson, another voice activist, call Price a careerist controlled by racist “string pullers” wanting “a blackfella to punch down on other blackfellas”.

Marcia Langton is a key architect of the voice. Picture: Aaron Francis
Marcia Langton is a key architect of the voice. Picture: Aaron Francis

That’s how the ABC backs this voice – by allowing activists to scream “racist”, unchallenged, at anyone against it.

But back to Langton, a hypocrite who claims the voice is “too important to play nasty electoral politics about”.

She’s sure an expert on nasty. She’s also accused me, like Price, of holding Nazi theories of racial hygiene.

She apologised to me privately for that disgusting lie, but then falsely accused me on the ABC of racially abusing a friend. At least that time she and the ABC did apologise – and publicly.

But if you think only conservatives get called racist, you don’t know Marcia Langton.

Yes, she accused former prime minister John Howard of exploiting race hatred, and sneered that historian Geoffrey Partington was his Joseph Goebbels.

But she also accused global warming guru Tim Flannery of pushing a “racist” argument about Aborigines, and implied Labor lawyer Josh Bornstein was racist when she retorted: “Doodums. Did the nig nog speak back?”

Langton also claimed feminist Germaine Greer had a “cleverly disguised contempt for Aboriginal people”, and left-wing professor Larissa Behrendt was “heaping contempt on the natives”.

The list of people Langton has smeared as racist, a Nazi sympathiser or a Ku Klux Klan clone is long, and when I see she’s a key architect of the voice, I know it’s not a voice of peace.

It is the voice of people who use race as a weapon for power and privilege.

Langton’s abuse says it all.

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