

Andrew Bolt: The Sussexes are shameless parasites

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s new Netflix series shows they’re shameless parasites peddling a dishonest narrative.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry deify ‘insane cult’ of victimhood

It’s so typical of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle that even the trailer for their cry-baby series lies.

The six-part Netflix series on their days of whine and roses starts on Thursday, and the trailer this week shows Harry and Meghan out to smash the royal family.

But it also shows they’re shameless parasites peddling a desperately dishonest piece of filmmaking.

For years this Duke and Duchess of Woke have complained they’re not “safe” from a wicked media, which Harry in the trailer claims is egged on by someone, presumably Buckingham Palace, “leaking” and “planting” stories.

And the trailer shows the supposed results – footage of a slavering media pack, bristling with cameras, hounding Harry and his picked-on wife.

But the footage lies. One shot is of cameramen actually filming “glamour” model Katie Price as she fronted a court last year.

Meghan Markle wipes her eyes as a concerned Prince Harry looks on. Picture: Netflix
Meghan Markle wipes her eyes as a concerned Prince Harry looks on. Picture: Netflix

A second is of a media scrum at the jailing of a former lawyer of US President Donald Trump.

A third is of photographers who were, yes, there for Harry – but Harry Potter, the movie, premiering in London.

A fourth shot is equally misleading. It shows a camera pointed down from a sinister height and behind, as Harry, Meghan and baby Archie cross an empty courtyard, seemingly oblivious.

In fact, it’s taken by a three-person press pool, approved by Harry and Meghan, to record their meeting with Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who posed with them outside his front door.

Why this pathetic fakery? Is it because evidence of the media harassing Harry and Meghan is so scarce that Netflix had to fake the footage?

If so, what else in this series has been faked to tell this tear-jerker of a loving couple treated so cruelly that they fled to the United States?

What lies haven’t they told already? Meghan has claimed the Archbishop of Canterbury married them secretly before their real wedding. She claimed Archie had to be rescued from a burning bedroom.

Most infamously, she claimed someone in the royal family had “concerns” before Archie’s birth “about how dark his skin might be”, forcing the Queen to issue a restrained rebuttal: “Recollections may vary.”

The Duke and Duchess of Woke have complained they’re not “safe” from a wicked media. Picture: Getty Images
The Duke and Duchess of Woke have complained they’re not “safe” from a wicked media. Picture: Getty Images

But race is Meghan’s big excuse for not being as admired as she’d wish. “It’s about race,” the trailer has a Meghan defender claim.

But can that be true? Even the trailer suggests everything up to Meghan and Harry’s wedding was flowers and cheers, and then, Harry declares, “everything changed”.

Hang on. So the royals were fine with Meghan to start with, but then – three years on – became racist?

And if the royal family is so evil, why, when Harry and Meghan moved to the US, did they ask to keep working part-time for it?

When that offer was rejected, Harry and Meghan still praised the royals in a statement: “The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are grateful to Her Majesty and the Royal Family for their ongoing support.”

Were they lying then about that “ongoing support”, or are they lying now?

But there was another lie in that statement: “The Sussexes have made clear that everything they do will continue to uphold the values of Her Majesty.”

Oh, really? Does upholding the Queen’s values include whining, crying and trashing the royal family for cash?

So why is Harry doing this?

The couple seem to think upholding the Queen’s values include whining, crying and trashing the royal family for cash.
The couple seem to think upholding the Queen’s values include whining, crying and trashing the royal family for cash.

Well, a monstrous self-pity might help to explain it. But so might money.

We’ve assumed from the headlines that Harry and Meghan are now loaded, having signed a $150 million deal with Netflix, a $37 million deal with Spotify and a $60 million book deal with Penguin.

Certainly, they live large and bought a $20 million mansion, but – oops - they don’t get paid in full unless they deliver the sales.

So far their results have been erratic and meagre. Surprise: Harry moaning about mental health and Meghan babbling about feminism doesn’t sell.

But there’s big bucks in trashing the royals and playing the victim, so Harry and Meghan have played themselves in a sick reality show about their suffering.

Cameras just happened to be there to record even their most intimate moments, including Meghan’s private tears, captured perfectly by a professional photographer.

And now we can see that footage of their despair at this cruel, cruel world, so hard on two grifters who betray Harry’s family for silver.

There are people who go for this stuff. The resentful. The self-pitying.

Then there are people of character who’ll see this for exactly what it is. The act of a Judas and his Lady Macbeth.

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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