

Andrew Bolt: 2021 Census reveals toxic new anti-white racism as Aussies call themselves black

This astonishing increase in the 2021 Census is dramatic evidence of Australia’s toxic anti-white racism — and the biggest spike was in Victoria.

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It’s now so embarrassing to be white that another 90,000 Australians have decided to call themselves black instead.

Think of tens of thousands of more Bruce Pascoes.

Or let’s put it more kindly: it’s now so chic to be black that these 90,000 Australians have called themselves Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander for the first time in their lives in the latest census.

The 2021 Census is dramatic evidence of the toxic new anti-white racism – and of the growing fraud that comes from lavishing privileges on people claiming to be Aboriginal, with few questions asked.

This latest census says 812,728 people identified in 2021 as being of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin.

This is an astonishing 25 per cent increase on the 2016 Census.

Compare. The entire Australian population in those same five years rose just 8.6 per cent – and half that rise was actually caused by a million new immigrants.

There is no way the huge increase in self-described Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders can be explained just by Aborigines having more babies.

Author Bruce Pascoe. Picture: Andy Rogers
Author Bruce Pascoe. Picture: Andy Rogers

Add the 85,900 Indigenous babies born between 2016 and 2021 and subtract an estimated 15,000 deaths and you still end up with 92,000 more Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders than you’d expect.

This phenomenon is not new. The 2016 Census found at least 40,000 people who claimed to be Aboriginal or Islander but had likewise chosen not to in the previous survey.

Where did they all come from?

The media left brushes it aside as just the result of past racism, which made people too ashamed to admit they were Aboriginal.

“First Australians are increasingly comfortable in their own skin in the 21st century,” chirruped the Sydney Morning Herald.

But the anecdotal evidence suggests much race-shifting might have less happy explanations.

Take Pascoe. In 1988, the Canberra Times said his novel Fox, about a fugitive searching for his Aboriginality, would have been a better book had Pascoe not been white: “Pascoe is, after all, imagining the psyche of an Aboriginal person.”

Funnily enough, it was around then, says Pascoe, that he started to identify as Aboriginal, even though two Aboriginal groups call him a fraud and his genealogy shows every single ancestor is of English descent.

The 2021 Census has revealed a growing Aboriginal population. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
The 2021 Census has revealed a growing Aboriginal population. Picture: Jake Nowakowski

But now as an Aborigine, Pascoe has had wild success, hailed as an “elder”, promoted as an “Aboriginal historian” by the ABC, given grants for Aboriginal enterprises and made a professor of “Indigenous Agriculture” by Melbourne University.

Or take Professor “Aunty” Kerrie Doyle. She claimed to be of the “Winninninni” tribe, of which no trace is found in even Norman Tindale’s magisterial Aboriginal Tribes of Australia.

When I asked Doyle for proof, noting genealogical records suggested she had no Aboriginal ancestry, she refused and threatened to sue me.

Yet “Aunty” Doyle has won a scholarship for Aboriginal students to go to Oxford, and was made Professor of Indigenous Health at Western Sydney University.

In elite circles, Aboriginal is literally fashionable. In a now-deleted clip, supermodel Elle Macpherson boasted: “My eyes are almost black, that’s the Aborigine in me.”

Her sister later confirmed the family had no Aboriginal ancestry.

But even asking race-shifters for proof of their “race” is dangerous.

Eight years ago, Tasmanian senator Jacqui Lambie startled many by claiming she, too, was Aboriginal, citing some connection to a Tasmanian chief six generations ago.

When Clyde Mansell, then Tasmanian Aboriginal Land Council chairman, called her claims “totally unfounded”, Lambie threatened to sue him.

Australian model Elle Macpherson claimed she had Aboriginal heritage.
Australian model Elle Macpherson claimed she had Aboriginal heritage.
Senator Jacqui Lambie also said she had Aboriginal connections.
Senator Jacqui Lambie also said she had Aboriginal connections.

Perhaps Lambie really does have that ancestor, I don’t know, but is such a distant link enough for her to be Aboriginal?

Still, who can blame people from seizing any excuse – however remote or imagined – to stop being white?

Check woke bookshops that stock white-hostile titles such as White Fragility, or Back to Black.

Or consult the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, which last year published an insanely racist paper calling “whiteness … a malignant, parasitic like condition” that “renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable”.

So no surprise that the biggest rises in people now claiming to be Aboriginal are in our wokest states.

In Victoria, the rise was a spectacular 37 per cent in five years. NSW was second with 29 per cent.

In contrast, the Northern Territory – with the biggest proportion of Aborigines – the rise was just 5 per cent.

The proof is now in. Race is increasingly a political construct, not biological.

So shouldn’t politicians spare us this madness by making race purely your private business, with no political or financial privileges at all?

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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