
Lawyer X exposé to be adapted for TV series and book

The story of Lawyer X — a scandal without precedent in Australia’s legal history — will be adapted into a drama series, documentary and blockbuster book following a landmark court victory this week.

Lawyer X: The gangland lawyer that shaped Melbourne's underworld

It is a scandal without ­precedent in Australia’s legal history.

And following a landmark court victory this week, the story of Lawyer X will be adapted into a drama series, documentary and blockbuster book.

The Herald Sun’s exhaustive exposé of how police recruited the lawyer to inform on her ­clients during Melbourne’s gangland war, then spent years covering it up, has scored a publishing deal with HarperCollins Australia.




Foxtel has begun moves to produce a drama series. And the Herald Sun and Sky News Australia will co-produce a documentary on the saga.

Anthony Dowsley and Patrick Carlyon, the reporters who uncovered the scandal, will reunite to deliver the book.

The trigger for a royal commission, their investigations exposed what the High Court ultimately described as “atrocious” and “appalling” corruptions of the justice system.

Infamous gangland boss Tony Mokbel and major drug trafficker Rob Karam have ­already launched appeals to challenge their convictions due to the police malpractice.

Dozens more are lining up to follow suit, with current and former senior police, judges and even politicians expected to face scrutiny.

Victoria Police has sought to shut down reporting on the scandal since Dowsley first broke the story in 2014.

Victoria Police has sought to shut down reporting on the scandal since 2014.
Victoria Police has sought to shut down reporting on the scandal since 2014.

But the Herald Sun’s tenacious fight for the truth paid off in December, when the High Court gave the green light for the scope of the misconduct to be published.

On Thursday, in a further victory for transparency and the public’s right to know, the Court of Appeal rejected a legal bid by Victoria Police to keep the barrister’s name and image under wraps.

The court ordered that Lawyer X’s identity should be revealed next Friday.

Herald Sun editor Damon Johnston said on Friday: “Lawyer X is the story Victoria Police didn’t want Australians to read. In fact, the police have blown millions of dollars in legal action trying to silence the Herald Sun and bury this spectacular story.

“The Herald Sun is delighted to be partnering with HarperCollins, Foxtel and Sky News to tell this extraordinary story of investigative journalism and true crime.”

Infamous gangland boss Tony Mokbel has already launched an appeal to challenge his conviction due to the police malpractice.
Infamous gangland boss Tony Mokbel has already launched an appeal to challenge his conviction due to the police malpractice.

HarperCollins Australia chief executive James Kellow hailed the partnership, adding: “This is an incredible true story. An absolute ripper. Crims, cops, capers, and a central character you could only imagine from a work of fiction.

“From the drama of the real-life story to the battle for it to be told, this is an extraordinary piece of investigative journalism that deserves to ­become a No.1 bestseller and be read by thousands of ­Australians.”

Brian Walsh, Foxtel’s director of television, said: “This explosive chapter in Australian crime has all the ingredients to make for a compelling TV ­series. We are well advanced in our negotiations and how this riveting story will be brought to the screen.

“Lawyer X has the potential to be a series which will fascinate audiences, not just here in Australia but around the world.”

Sky News chief executive Paul Whittaker said the documentary would “forensically examine the events surrounding this volatile time in Victoria’s legal history”. “The Herald Sun’s reporting set off an extraordinary chain of events that rocked Victoria’s legal and law enforcement establishment, the repercussions of which continue to unfold.

“Working together with the Herald Sun’s expert team of crime reporters, the documentary will speak to key insiders and reveal new information into the events that shook Victoria’s justice system and sparked a royal commission into police corruption.”

The exclusive documentary will air on Sky News on Foxtel and on free-to-air regional channel Sky News on WIN later this year.

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