
Ex-chief commissioner Mick Miller casts doubt on inquest ruling that Denis Tanner murdered sister-in-law Jennifer

EXTENDED REPORT: A REVERED former top cop has cast doubts on an inquest finding ex-cop Denis Tanner murdered his sister-in-law.

Ron Irwin
Ron Irwin

REVERED former chief commissioner Mick Miller has cast doubt on the inquest finding that Denis Tanner murdered his sister-in-law Jennifer.

He this week used a memorial service to praise the author of a book that claimed the coroner got it wrong in the Tanner case.

The author of Blackened Tanner, former Det-Sgt Ron Irwin, 73, recently died after losing a long battle with cancer.

Former Victoria Police deputy commissioner Carl Mengler also used Mr Irwin's memorial service on Wednesday to back the book's conclusion that the facts and circumstances surrounding the death of Ms Tanner were far from conclusive.

“The contents of Ron's book do not go down well with those who have opposing views,” Mr Mengler said in his eulogy.

“Various moves came into play to thwart Ron's efforts to expose the truth, and that is unfortunate.

“It is so easy for those who have power and influence to blacken the name of individuals and so hard, if not impossible, for them to reverse the damage done.”

Mr Mengler read Mr Miller's eulogy at the memorial service in Benalla as Mr Miller was not well enough to attend.

Victoria's former top cop said he first met Mr Irwin at detective training school in 1970, where he was Mr Irwin's instructor.

“The book is a tribute to its author,” Mr Miller said in his written eulogy.

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“It is extremely well written, meticulously researched and of exceptional interest to anyone with experience in the criminal justice system.

“To his great credit, Ron assiduously followed the tenets of investigation to which he was introduced in 1970.

“His tenacious, ethical investigations revealed facts that others had failed to establish.”

Mr Miller praised Mr Irwin's contribution to society through his community service work and said Mr Irwin's book was a search for the truth.

The Herald Sun revealed in June last year that new evidence in Mr Irwin's book had convinced Mr Mengler - and three other former heads of the Victoria Police homicide squad - that Mr Irwin's new evidence was compelling and pointed to Ms Tanner, 27, as having committed suicide at her Bonnie Doon home in 1984.

“That new evidence, uncovered in Ron Irwin's book, if properly tested, will, in my opinion, vindicate Denis Tanner and thus remove the stigma of being a murderer from both he and his family,” Mr Mengler said.

Mr Tanner yesterday appealed to Chief Commissioner Ken Lay to charge him with the murder of Ms Tanner.

“That is the only avenue left to me to be able to present the new evidence and clear my name, which I would be confident of doing” he said.

“I am innocent and can prove it.”

Mr Tanner said evidence in Mr Irwin's book that would help clear his name included:

X-RAYS of Ms Tanner's skull, which showed Ms Tanner could have fired both shots into her forehead as the first bullet didn't do any major damage.

CORROBORATION of his alibi that he was in Melbourne at the time his sister-in-law was shot dead in her Bonnie Doon home.

AUDIO tapes made by police during witness interviews which differ in crucial parts to the transcript the coroner relied on to make his murder finding.

Mr Miller's eulogy paid tribute to Mr Irwin's character.

“Ron Irwin was a role model to others, in the police force, and in the community, in an age when role models are few and far between,” he said.

“Ron's family can feel justifiably proud of his achievements in the community, especially his exemplary police professionalism and the character he displayed when he was suffering from what proved to be a terminal condition.

“I spoke with Ron by phone a few days before he passed away. He was stoic, uncomplaining and had retained his sense of humour.

“He was a credit to Victoria Police and to the society in which he lived.

“He was, without question, a man of intelligence, integrity and dedication - and he possessed another attribute which many others don't. He had character.

“He lived well and he died well. It takes character to do that.

“Farewell Ron Irwin. And may the force be with you.”

Mr Mengler's eulogy detailed Mr Miller's respect for the quality of the investigation Mr Irwin did to produce Blackened Tanner.

“Those police members, past and present, together with those of my generation who recall the period during which Mick Miller served as chief commissioner of police in this state, will recall a police chief of great presence and unquestioned integrity, probably not matched either before or since,” he said.

“Mick Miller had some involvement with Ron as his chief instructor during detective training many years ago.

“An avid reader, he read Ron's publication toward the middle of last year and contacted Ron to discuss the content.

“He congratulated Ron on what he considered was an outstanding research project and report.”

Mr Mengler said Mr Irwin had spent more than a decade investigating the allegations against Mr Tanner.

“Finally, a book he wrote on these matters, might I say confronting all the fences that were erected to thwart him, was published in mid-2012,” he said at yesterday's memorial service.

“That book is a classical document. It really amounts to a brief of evidence that challenges the suspicion and innuendo generated by the media and others in authority, which has influenced public perception of the events.

“Ongoing investigations into these matters seemed to be re-activated each time relevant admissible evidence could not be gleaned.

“The whole sordid affair has in fact destroyed the lives of a good number of people.

“However, little seems to have been achieved, except for the efforts of Ron Irwin. I hope that does not continue to go unnoticed.'

“My wish, to honour Ron Irwin, is for some bright legal mind to get hold of the record of this whole affair then review and publish it in such a way that members of the public can make up their own minds as to what probably did occur so many years ago.”

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