
Get your FREE Coles Stickeez with the paper

Readers of the Herald Sun and Sunday Herald Sun can get a BONUS Stickeez when they buy a copy of the Herald Sun or Sunday Herald Sun in-store at Coles on Saturday March 2, or Sunday, March 3.


Hold on to your shopping trolley — Stickeez has hit Coles and here’s your chance to get one FREE* with every copy of the paper!

Readers of the Herald Sun and Sunday Herald Sun can get a BONUS Stickeez when they buy a copy of the paper in-store at Coles supermarkets or Coles Express on Saturday, March 2 or Sunday, March 3.

There are 24 types of fruit and vegetable Stikeez to collect, including some named after fresh produce growers like Marie the Mango who is named after Marie Piccone from Manbulloo in the Northern Territory, Carlo the Cucumber is Carlo Pippo from Ballinaand Sunny the Strawberry is Sunny Ridge Strawberry Farm in Main Ridge, Victoria.

Customers can receive a free Stikeez collectable for every $30 they spend at Coles supermarkets, Coles Online and Coles Express and will get a bonus Stickeez for every copy of the paper purchased in-store at Coles on Saturday, March 2, or Sunday, March 3.

*Buy the Herald Sun or Sunday Herald Sun at Coles on March 2 or March 3 to receive a bonus Stickeez. Paper must be purchased at in-store at Coles and Stickeez redeemed in same transaction to be eligible. Limit 1 x bonus Stickeez per paper purchased, maximum of 4 x bonus Stickeez per transaction while stocks last. Excludes Coles online.

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